23 February 2024

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Weird dream, I can't remember the full details but I remember some of it after waking up.I seems to be returning back to home where my family is from war or battle. My brother opened the door for me and see me covered in wounds that is covered in various plastic stitches from face to legs. It was evening so the sun shine on the front door. For odd reason, I woke up at 10:35am, which is 5 minute before my alarm sets off on my phones.Right, it's 23 Feb, Last day for next semester registration in college as well as Chinese New Year event. Let's prepare and head there early

Dress good huh? Meh, I dress almost the same everyday. I guess I will have the bread my mom gave me as breakfast then lunch later on from college. I should facetime call my parents sometime, maybe I will do it soon. Right now I need to pack up and head to college for the day.

There is a price to pay just to look good for me. Is that, Without transportation I am constantly walking under the sun and means I will be sweating alot, Kind of reminds me that I should wear something thin and light instead plus I am carrying my laptop bag around. But for this new pair of shoes for some reason it's very uncomfortable to wear today. The tightness of the shoes creates alot of fiction between the back of my foot or ankle. Which hurts and very limits my walking speed and endurance. I am somewhat convinced my left feet and right feet are different proportion and sizes. Anyhow, I am arrived at college. Gotta deal with the semester registration. It's 1:20am so I should have somewhat left before 2pm. Good to see familiar faces though.

During registration, I see the flyer, no, a paper pinned on the wall that says this Semester will last till June. Which is... March, May... that's like 3 months and more? Damn, And this time the payment is bigger than previous one. I even have to sorry my dad about it that I can assist this kind of payment with my bank account. But my dad will do what he can to help with my study which pressure me to do my best on this line of study. Either how, I will put more focus and thoughts into that and enjoy the process.

It was enjoying spending time at the college. For the Chinese new year event they setup of courses. We played games and they sang as such. Kelly introduced me to her friends that is seniors, they returned to the college to participate the show. Strangely enough there's this malay I met who is called "Daniel" which is similar to the Malay person I met "Daniel"

Kelly says I am certainly enjoying it judging by my smiley expression. The people there is nice and we have free food. YH is only there to help with the setup and projector but left later without participating. For Ken, my classmate friend. He went in for registering and left without me seeing him.

Anyhow, at 6pm. I am heading to arcade to play, there's leftover at the college so I collected it for dinner. That I eventually ate a portion of it at suite tonight.

At the arcade I met old arcade buddies of mine, Alvin and Chia. Yes, we are still Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune player. We battled agaisnt toxic players and wins them effortlessly but things get more fun when I battle agaisnt them. Managed to win twice using the joke car "R2" agaisnt Chia's Rx7 FD and Alvin's R32. and Alvin told me my driving line is improved alot and Chia is impressed with my game skills and senses. But of course they and I said myself that there's still room for improvement. The Aristo is crazy as well and managed to take down Ghost battle crown at ease even I made too much mistake. Maybe tomorrow I will try take down even more crowns.

Oh right, about the girl. I forgot how I refer her.. Muses? She arrived today and straight away ask me to help her play her card data. And I refuse because I can't take her money. As she leave right away which sadden me I should have accept her request or I upset her. Later I found her contact in social media app and tell her sorry about and offer to help her in WMMT car data but she said it's fine either way..... About her, She is underskilled and requires me to carry and "pilot" service playing her car data in WMMT. In the event VS Other Region ghost, Which is 2 day left for today.The first class of my 3rd semester starts this 26 February. Which is what I was reminded of when doing registeration today. No news about if my dad paid it or not. Which I am afraid because that's another 4,000 RM being thrown into me for my education. I discussed about this with the financial staff of the college which she known well about me. Says that all I need to worry about is study properly in the education. But I said, It just alot of money being put into this. Shouldn't I help with financial this as well? Well, she said only if emergency or cannot afford.

Things happen the same to her son as well. "Can I get a job?" "No, Focus on your study first". Same thing happen between me and my dad as well.This arcade session consists of Rm23, 3 game using R2 to battle my friend. Yeah, for the last match I was about to win this skilled friend of mine but let go and purposely lose at the finish line since this win is much better deserved on his main car instead so he can do Ghost battle crowns. I mean, it's only a game. A little offer shouldn't hurt. And then 2 game for playing with my ARISTO. then 2 game of Taiko No Tatsujin while waiting for avaliable seats for WMMT. It is certainly joyful to play with this new pair of drumstick I have.

When I returned to the suite, I collect the laundry since it's been drying at the racks for 3 day. Also my hometown friend contacted me again about R32 is crazily good as meta as such I can't keep all details that happened today. I guess my life isn't really boring at all. It just I need to do something productive. Like making a video about upcoming ROBLOX game by Cishshato "Operators" the maker of Entry Point in ROBLOX. that should revive my channel. At the same time I want to play WMMT6R emulator on my laptop. Ah, whatever. Let's just eat the leftover as dinner for now.

Oh yeah I almost forgot there's chocolates gifted from the girl dormmate Pen stored in fridge for us
This is the first time I recieved a gift from someone in KL. Think should I look for a good gift to give it to a friend? I never considered to buy a gift before.... Beside gifting my online friend steam games...

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