29 January 2024

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Despite hopelessly trying to finish this assignment, I decided to stay up until next day.

8:30am already, I noticed my classmates already woke and prepared and go to college already. Think I should prepare the same as well, there's no help If I keep pushing myself. Though I am 80% complete but the quality and efforts degrades if I push myself to it. Think I will work on it in college instead. Plus, there's food and photography to be done today, better if I head out early and order the food to photoshoot for as well as having breakfast.

At any second I feel like I will collapse anytime and my movement is very slow. The sun, is too bright. Kills my eyes. Feel like dying walking on the way here, everyone seems to walk faster than me, My awareness is low, it's like my detection range is low.

Knowing that my food photography is Roti Canai. I decided to sit down at closest mamak, Smiled at the waiter, Instead of calling them to order. I intended to wait for him to ready serve me even though Im the only few customers in here.

Crap, I cannot just fall asleep on a chair. I must keep awake.

In this mamak. I ordered total of 5 Roti Canai, 4 photoshooting and 1 to eat it fresh myself. After eating a meal, even though its cheap and good to eat. I fill bit more energized although my eyes still wants to close itself.

I managed to have some of little progress for movie art book assignment at college while chatting with friends. But I would be better off working at great pace in place on my own. While others are taking exams which I don't because of different student programs. Leaves me in audio lab with time I have to take food photography. But I can't help but sometime find myself accidentally fell asleep with mouth open and keep myself awake by being utterly smiling and insane talking to people. Much more easier to fall asleep when there's nobody around me.

What happened..... Oh, I fell asleep at near 6pm. Then wake up at 7pm. Everyone already left because the friendly staff, he asks if Im okay but he hope the best for me to go through it. I was so tired I fell asleep at student common area. While the others my classmates work on themselves in audio lab. Now they closed it, I guess I'll settle Product Photography tomorrow. It's gonna be day before deadline. Photography and Movie Art Book need to be done. Or done tonight!

I still felt awful after waking up. For now, should sit down and rest my mind clear.

At the arcade I encountered Nikki in a polite manner and versus equally in WMMT. There was no harm done, So everyone's happy with a match. Adam and his father as well as Patrick arrived. We all played arcade games with each and other. It is certaining refreshing to play Rythm games and street raicng game back and forth, Although I refrain from myself to claim self to be good player I still gives advices at moments to player friends as we plays. Surpriszingly. Because I tiered up in arcade balance card, Now I have alot of bonus to plays after semester is over. I offered Adam's a game to compensate what Adam's faster offers me to play back then.

Knowing this I will still have to control plays and spendings. and probably save until I return on next semester. For Nikki, he struggles on a WMMT match with same opponent on map I regularly play which he don't. I offered to take over and help him beat the opponents that he struggles on. He praised me, Which I felt very happy hearing that from a Veteran player who usually is much more skilled than casual players like me. Although it is weird that SKY didn't arrive today. I mean it's not bothering anyone, After it's just a game. We all returned to our apartments. Which makes me very happy today. Gives me more energy to continue the assignments.

Even though it seems like 80% is done on assignments. It still quite a distance but at least plot/narrative part is done. For Bibliography, Front Cover, Table of contents, Behind the scenes... Will I really to get these all done tomorrow? 5am already, I have to sleep. Even If I push myself, My sleepiness will slow me down even more and I can't think straight.

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