1 September 2023

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These girls... Think they can leave me behind before going to academy?

Mmm... Z z ZzZ.... What? The girls is knocking on my doors saying they are heading out. Heading out? Oh crap, it's 10:00 already I need to get there by 10:30. Anyway, I quickly rushed the best I can get myself teeth brushed and quick shower. Dressed up. Laptop bag ready and now sets off!

I arrived by 10:26am using Taxi. Before I was on taxi I met a familiar student on the way. The actual start time is 11:00. That kinda reassure me but it's good to arrive on time or early anyway. Anyway, 5 of the girls I know they arrived and they are not surprised. Either way, Imma go  get something to eat.

In this Industry talk, we get to meet and presentations by Mr.Ivan. He is a game developer. Full name is Yee I-Van, Often mentions the program "MDec". Everything he says I can understand and relate. Game engines and artificial intelligence stuff, Unrecord the game as well. In KL there's this convention related to games development and animation. Happens on 27th December 2023. Called Malaysia Digital Content Festival 2023

This advice took it to my heart, I think it's "Specializes in what you like. You could be spending 3 years in here education but try take it as far as you can to learn".

After his presentations, we have our movie time with the students. Orange drink dispenser and bucket of popcorn prepared. Went to arcade and fully tuned my Savanna RX-7 RE Turbo at Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune but there's nothing special about it. That's odd. Anyway I guess it's a achievement and money wasted. I could have done that one my emulator. Either way, I think it's special because nobody uses it.

Tonight, We'll continue work on our digital calendar. and this time I'll help with the drawing a bit. Think I did enough works today but I'll continue it another day. Either way, Next week and Thursday will be Anime/Game club again to play A Way Out on it with others again.

Oh I bought a ready dough for pizza, and mozarella cheese. Realized my mom already bought some and placed it in refrigerator in her last visit. I guess I'll organize compartment so everytime I open it I'll actually sees it. The next morning will be something, The housemate goes to work. The household will be only me and the innocent girl. But who cares, I go out and play in the mall and she will go to our block neigbours to hangout with the other girls... Sheesh I wanna hangout with the girls too. I think I am already used to living or having girls around as an introvert. So any girls stuff happened around me I guess it will be pretty normal. Wow, big change I would say If I look back how I was like back then.

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