17 January 2024

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Its no help being like this, I need to get some help at least. Plus, I got class tomorrow. Staying up until noon is the worst thing that happen to me. Not because its painful, its just destroying yourself. Plus, I have to carry that weights and walk for 30 minutes. Nah aint like that. So imma to sleep. I know I love doing this assignment so much i am ignoring myself mawhahahahah zzz

Shit, As I shut off the lights of my room I already saw the sky become brighter and shine through my curtains.

It's a good news that Photography lectuerer think it's nice. About my word document's propasal Just need to scrap 1 of the art, and 5 more sketch for the shooting. Need Green light, just green light.. So I can proceed to actually shooting it. But still doesn't want to shift the priority between my movie art book assignment. I originally wanted to go eat and then come back to continue the assignment but ended up helping out in studio lab redoing the can and bottle drink photography.

Instead of straight going to mall today. Me, Lyhan and YH take taxi back to suite together and they decided to come out to play WMMT Saturday later. They asked me If I am going to or not which I did but tonight instead, and asked me to do terminal scratch for them handed over me their card. I mean its no big deal either way.

When I got back to suite I felt sudden urge to lie on bed without hesitation, knowing I got too exhausted and slept until 8pm. Where my parent called me how am I doing and judging from the look of my face after woke up. They know I been hard with assignments. Well, I should be, I will work on it when I get back.

Holy crap, "GDBF" Bandapassport data.. Win terminal scratch very lucky. Corolla page with only 2 scratch and HIACE van with only 1 scratch"

It is reassuring session at WMMT today. Even though I didn't spend more than 10RM, I managed to beat Nikki once and combined his cleared bingo challenge with him. Though I should have combined it with YH and Lyhan for the time being as a gift from me, and we took it as friendly and respectful local versus battle between each other. Later we conversation alot, although I didn't talk much but he felt pleasant after sharing and me and his past experiences and thoughts about WMMT. Said about he wanting to know about custom colors and I shared him with Jp Wiki Wiki that he never heard about and we added contact so I can share it with him with the link. Feels much better having a friend than becoming enemy though would be awkward if both meet at be grunt at same place.

Oh... yeah I should work on assignment when I can. But first let me have fast noodle tonight for dinner. Or skip it then go to sleep to attend class at morning.

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