18 December 2023 - Color, Hue, Saturation

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There was an alarm at 7am, but I quickly shut it and fell deep sleep again with a weird & heavy dream. Tries to wake myself up that subconciously know there's class this morning. The curtains have sunlight scatter trying to penetrate through. My phone fell under the bed, It's 8am... I guess there's time for bath and cereal breakfast before heading out.

After taking a bath, I can hear my housemate YH's alarm from his phone ringing for 1 minute straight in his room. Clear sign of awaking late by 8:20. I knocked his door and he immedietaly woke.

For the cereal breakfast, there were no avaliable rubber band for me to tie up the packing and instead, I used clippers that were manufactured for the laundry. as usual, the others arrive to college by cars meanwhile I walk for nearly 25 minutes. I greeted my lectuerer as I meet her by the entrance. From the class, I noted that I can always look back her notes or presentation she uploaded to google drive for everyone to look back, which is good. For people who want to revise or missed the notes. For today's Typography class it will be about colors tempature. Like the lighting atompshwere in movie and films. And what the Red/Yellow/Blue betold with primaryc olors and mixing colors.

I learnt about something related to colour harmony, Where BLUE/GREEN are calm, and RED/YELLOW are violent/tense. 

Crap, Today's is the deadline of the first assignment. Which I missed last week when I have to be absent in order to attend the funerals. I am not sure If i have the time to pick up the skills and work on the assignment with drawing right away. This would I assume it could take least some hours to concept and sketch a font. Design. aaaaa everything. I feel like I should give up or I should not. Even it's gonna be losing 20% mark on the whole subject in this semester.... But I will sure get the second assignment done If I lose this one.

Looks like the president of college is going to do presentations in Library instead. Never seen Library so filled with people before. 

The President of the college and the other professors who are friends with him mentioned about the epitome of modern market that involves use of technology and social media. Stuff that that make income different than before. But realism is somewhere there, I didnt note too much details of it so It will be missing alot If I want to write it here. 2 days of entrepreneurship program and that.

Later it ended I went to eat Economical restaurant for afternoon. Before I know it, I am close before I go out my own budget. Perhaps I can save even more by not playing at arcade. The 100 USD dollars my cousin gave me... Still deciding should I convert 50 USD to RM to use it myself or remain keeping it.

The semester is short, so most of the education is sped up and probably best to not miss classes or you will lose it quick. The stress places down on me again, Now I got 2 assignments. I should be fine... If I remain myself calm. Take photos of High shuttle and low shuttle speed, Think I can do that. And then Typography designing color harmonized posters on Adobe illustrator, okay... Okay. For now, in 5pm, I should head back to suite and make my dinner with processed food I bought the other day. Later at Night I can go out to arcade with my camera to take photos on the way. Probably good plan for today, One problem though, I need to read more about the manual for the camera model I am using. Theres alot of stuff I still dont know how to function with it. Oh yeah. The leftover Popcorns. Still left at college the friendly staff there giveaway to students since theres just too much.

So I was thinking while I am walking my way back. Should I like, do the photoshooting with camera tomorrow instead of try it today? That if I have enough time to get back, eat, and then head out with camera while on the way to the mall. But at the same time the night is dangerous? Carrying a camera. I dont know... Maybe I will eat then head out with camera.

The youngster couple from arcade called me again. They seems to be waiting at arcade for me, jesus. How nice.. Either way, I will make and finish my dinner and head there. Not sure should I bring camera though but the Night photos with low shutter speed should be nice.

After dinner I prepared to head out. Answered my parent saying weird theres no rain and all the sudden theres storming rain upon us. Staining my shoes, socks and pants heavily. And all in my mind is just Get Out Of Hell while protecting my camera bag (lifting up closer to the umbrella) and the wind speed is insane. Anyway I made it to the mall, that time I have camera out taking photo and checked if its alright. Yep, camera fine..

Just like usual, playing arcade games with friends. Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune is nothing much. But this friend of mine named Patrick that we sometime play Taiko No Tatsujin arcade 2P together. He is getting a job and he worries his transport, financial, rent and stuff. Although I am not the best advicer but I am happy to hear him out his troubles and thoughts to share. Like, Felt what being friends is really all about. Not just team of players who just play games together. It really make me put some thought into it.After closing time and it seems pretty late already. On my way home, I tries to mess around the settings and figure out the controls and settings for the DSLR Digital Camera I am carrying. First, I figured out shutter speed. But the Aperture and ISO were wrong. This D80 Nikon model unlike others you cant preview what the camera is seeing. And most is just View Finder it have. And you have to take a photo to preview the result. Saves data into SD card.

Also I called my dad regarding to the camera his brother gifted to me. Although he doesn't have much idea but my dad gave me the courage and also reminds that its pretty late and should be careful of my safety. Plus, anyone could just snatch the camera away..

Thought so much on the way, I forgot and realized I left my umbrella at the train station's elevator. So I walk back to get it, Bumped into my senior student again. Who was walking with me to the mall days ago, He got curious where I was going. I said I am just getting the umbrella, just nearby. He decides to follow me since its really late and being alone is dangerous. I say, I thought so much about camera stuff I happened to forget my umbrella. That twisted his light bulb and he wanted to inspect my camera model. And then share the tips and knowledge about photography. Which I really need to hear out because I am actual Amateur doesnt know stuff. After sharing and learning through conversation while on the way to home. He sent me a good reference image for Shutter speed High to Low, ISO difference and aperture. But it is good for starters, And I thanked him.

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