8 December 2023

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Crap. I missed miles check in yesterday, I was too tired from the funeral. And woke up sharp pain to neck today.

The recent conversation between my dad and his second elder brother along with first grandmother is all about managing and discussion about the passed away's sons and daughters Since their dad passed away, the financial situation has to be managed with their mother as well.

Tomorrow my dad will bring me up to second grandmother's house to attend her funeral. Which means there won't be much free time for me. And the next day after I will be preparing to take off and return to KL CITY and continue studies.

After dinner, my family are gonna head up and pay a visit to second grandmother's funeral. Even though my father tries to have good conversation with his brother and us theres little noticeable of exhaustion and sadness coming from him knowing that he have to help his brother's family a bit and also attend and help bit with my second grandmother's funeral. Things doesnt sounds good within the family tree. But I have to return to KL day after.

About what I know happened meanwhile at KL City. the group messages within the suite members that the circuit at Kitchen breaks or probably exploded. Causing the Kitchen become a hazard and Washing Machine cannot be used. In which they noticed landlord about it, for the College. I missed a few classes and definitely assignments. Plus, the Anime & Game club only gets to hold a club activity only for one day. But probably get to hold it next week. We will have movie watching sessions.

I am thinking of reinstalling. I don't know, Genshin impact? Call of Duty Mobile on my new phone. Since battery and performance is a huge step compared to my iPhone 6 before. Now using iPhone 11 Pro.

We arrived at the funeral place, I "talked" to her. I mean my Second grandmother. That she finally free suffering from the diseases. Of course, I went and look to converse with my second Grandfather first. He told me that the people talked to him but right now he is on his own on a chair by himself. Look Lonely, I cant bear looking at it. I decided to stay and try talk with him as I can. Also bringing out common and general topics to conversation with. Although I am not a good chatter but I will try content with grandfather's loneliness after grandma passed away. The relatives sons are just messing around or help with folding "golds" and offerings. The husband and the wife of the relatives help organize and manage the places. The guests and other relatives just have conversations on other tables. My father and his second elder brother have conversations on table far away. There's Grandfather, lonely, sad. I have to talk with him.

Grandfather said he is tired, also mentioned because of grandmother's death he stay up to 2am. So I bring him upstairs to sleep, As usual, he cannot see things properly so I still have to direct him holding his hand and navigate him around the house. With extra stuff around that he need to be careful of, It is sad upon seeing him unable to think properly navigate himself. There he goes to take a rest at his bedroom. Afterwards I go down and meet few faces, converse with my fellow closer cousins and others.

When most of us youngsters talks together with the seniors and the olds. I like how most senior and older citizens like to talk about life lessons and jokes around his life to the junior younger generation of us. But its great taking advices from them like job and experience.

There I met with an old female cousin. Who was very close to me and used to play together alot, We conversations together very delightfully and happened to find out she used to live in same suite and roam the same street for academy. Mentioned that the prices there between hometown is drastically different. Pretty much very common topic to talk about

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