21st August 2020, Friday

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How's Today?

Today's Events
As usual, I woke up from- Oh, I was Cleaning up the clothing on the sofa last night. I forgot to write that I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up at it in the morning. I would like to sleep a little longer until my alarm sound off because I suppose to have online tuition class at 11am. I am not saying I'm going to slack and let it pass, I paid the tuition fee my own of course I would attend and learn stuff from it.

But I didn't let the alarm sound off to wake me up, Instead my hand subconsciously played one of the Anime opening soundtrack on YouTube which is "Brynhildr in the Darkness OP 1" Which this soundtrack & opening is so good It inspired me to wake me up, I don't know does it sound logical but It just feel good. Guess I'm a weird Otaku/Weeb huh. My mom called my phone to ask what food you want to order as my breakfast. I chose Noodles with Nugget and my brother's is Rice with Nuggets. After my mom delivered our breakfast to our home. She went out probably gone shopping or hanging with friends. Soon enough, My dad is ready up his uniform and went to work. It's only me & my brother left in my house. Before I eat, I brushed my teeth and went back to dining table. Something caught my eyes, Why there's freaking "fly" inside my brother's breakfast boxes. I saw it through the transparent food box and i used a tissue then killed it in the trash can. After I alerted my brother about this. He is definitely not going to eat it. As well as I'mma just call my mother about this.

Before I was waiting for my mother to deliver the breakfast, I was reading the Manga version of "Brynhildr in the Darkness" I know I should finish the last episode on the anime adaptation but most people say its bad because it's rushed and undetailed and not the mention that The anime ended before the manga ended. So I'm reading it before that. For now I'mma read it on my phone and eat it at same time.

In this afternoon, All I do I just gaming on laptop and some live streams. Including Left For Dead 2 and ROBLOX:Entry Point. I slipped my mouth and said Entry Point is boring but actually It's just other game caught me bigger interests

GTA Online's mission and heists are same similar to any other game. Public Lobbies are just messed up like Entry Point. You mostly just plays with high-level player who don't know how to play or even teamwork/communicate at all. Finding good & easy missions is easy but finding a Good Teammates to play with is 10x times harder. At Casino heist, This guy is 200 Rank player and doesn't communicate at all. He fails worst than I do.

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