27 January 2024

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Time to, work on assignment. Woke up at 12pm. Played a bit, then go bath. Although I have nothing but oat milk drink for breakfast, since I gotta save and use the time to do assignments.

As I search through my food supplies compartments I found this strange little box with a processed and packed biscuits. It was a gift from my grandmother when Im still in first semester. I opened to eat, it's actually nice. Appearance does not look appealing to eat but its actually good.

Only able to filled in quater of 3 movie story into 12 pages. Not sure If I have the time to get it done by tomorrow. Either way, My best option is to stay up. Yeah. Today's Saturday already, it's 7pm. I haven't have lunch yet, Might as well as gonna have dinner outside.

Today, I decided to go a bit off route today outside. Rather than the shortest and optimal road everyday. It's only cross section but might be better since its more refreshing , less linear or less predictable route

Then I met Patrick on the way. What a coincidence, he told me that this is the place he usually eat nearby. And just like that we have dinner together on nearby restaurant for dinner then walk to arcade later. I didn't play but I managed to do terminal scratch from WMMT arcade game and helped a new player to buy bandapassport since they have a 9 years old kid who like this game and want to have progress saved. He played on my card 4 times though,

I spent quite some time for his parents to elaborate the function of cards and it's benefits. As well as if he get buy a card as cheap rice right now, He'd receive discarded vehicle card from me.But it was 10pm and the outlet is closed but I gave his parent my contact that if he come by here at night again. I can give it to his son. He thanked me and I said its fine I done this to help many other beginners and new card players. Patrick liked the idea of me helping newcomers.

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