29 February 2024 - Secretary

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It's been a while since I change the mattress sheet and sweep the floor. From what I can tell, I drop excessive hair. Not sure why but is it related to hair damage?
Yesterday the arcade buddies battled alot together. I somewhat could have stay a little longer to play with them instead of returning early. Wanting to show them how stronger player I become. But it felt more distant or is it just me, Well. I am aware this is just some loneliness I can felt, but Patrick and college seniors are much more friendly and gentle. I know some of my respectable senior students in college actually take multiple jobs and they are very nice I like them.

I wanted to take the leftover from the fridge but Cindy is there at kitchen making something a breakfast that is far more delicious than what I have. Would be embarrassed if I did so I go for Toast instead.

I tripped on the way to the restaurant and scratches my palm and knees. Thank goodness the jeans somewhat protected my knees but I still bleed. Decided to dine in with my senior and I limp a little telling them Im fine. After lunch I should head back to college and plaster the wound and clean it. While at the restaurant I met a senior citizen aunt who is confused with the taxi grab app.

Crap, My right ankle still kinda stings. Hope nobody suspects my slight limping. Oh yeah, today's class is about 2D animation, for now we just learn and debrief how animation process is done and some history about its equipment. Which next class and later I need to have the IT of the college help me install Adobe animation on my laptop.

My limping got worse, the pain got more severe. And now it is not advised for me to jog or sprint. I haven't tell lecturers or parents about it. Hope it will recover by itself quickly and doesn't interfere my walking too much.however it affects me in uneven surfaces or stairs or steep surfaces.

Other than that, I became the secretary of PC/Anime Club in the college. Initially I volunteered to be Vice-President but became the secretary instead and compared to it, it have more responsibilities. That I should take note of everything President notes down, organize everything list of future activities and knowledge about past meeting. All that can be debriefed back to President or student council. But I believe I should be fine since I have habit or keeping noting down and recording stuff.

This reminds me from back in the day. I used to play bouncy castle back in my primary school and I got too excited and tried to "stunt" on the bouncy castle then sprained my ankle then unable to walk properly for the next time. Yes, I figured out that would occur if you rest and sit down for long time the next time you tried to stand and walk you would feel immense pain compared when you walk for a long time or after you sprained your foot.

I am stupid, I still consider going out despite my sprained ankle situation. Constantly mumbling, I can do this. That I can make it back to suite. This is killing me. Why did I go out. Oh man, Oh damn. Although at the arcade I met a new friend Leong. He is just here just for his friends. Instead, we talk bout life, study, jobs as such. He also notices my limbing behavior and actually care to help me a little. Asked "SKY" if he is gonna come or not but he didn't after saying yes. I mean, he asks why after I returned by myself and explained about my sprained ankle situation. On the way back to suite, I tried to walk the fastest I can somber up the pain from right foot but it just doesn't help. Even my dormmate MZ bumped into me on the way back to suite and she is faster than me in her regular walking speed. How comes... Me who walk the fastest among the streets. Cannot run or walk fast now, That stupid trip in the afternoon messed me. Now I have to figure out how to get over this next day. I mean, I am pretty sure I can do my assignments fine unless I need supplies. Walking around is painful, Should I visit a doctor? Everything I do now is kinda slower than average now. At least I managed to sweep my dorm's floor and put clothes into washing machine. doing anything whilist sitting is fine for me. Anyway, Tomorrow I should start working on assignments like figure out to draw a perfect circle in A3 paper.

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