29 October 2023

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Wow, My family back in hometown called me. And they are in a fast food restaurant and being well. Also, my brother to tell one of the car he tuned and built in Gran Turismo 7. This is like the first time he actually talked to me and want to show me something. Because my brother almost never did that before, and he is more reserved person most of the time. My mother know I haven't have my breakfast yet so she adviced me to have a breakfast meal first with hot drink before going out for lunch. And yes... Of course I'll do that after taking a bath.Before going out, I will try my brother's tuned car first and play a bit of GT7 through Remote play. Because known well that I'll appear at arcade later since it's also weekend. But at the same time, I got assignments so I guess I will bring my laptop out and do assignments then play games while sitting beside somewhere from arcade. Plus, staying at home is always boring.As long as I got my trusty portable setup for doing assignments, doing projects, or play emulator games. I'm good, even one of my friend says the suite is only for sleeping where I only do stuff outside most of the time. Yeah, I agree staying in house too long builds up boredorm and doesn't cope up with stress. But it's safe and quiet. I cannot argue with that.I played GT7 and grinded a bit with it. It is certainly refreshing when playing different games. But I did not enjoy my breakfast much though. In GT7 my brother made a 918 Spyder glitched top speed build makes me go what the hell. I recorded a video of it. Not sure How I am suppose to tell but it went 522kmh top by having max rpm with broken transmission setting 900hp.

I don't know if this meal is bland, My breakfast consists of corn flakes instead of Kokokrunch now. I mean cereal. As a bonus I threw in nescafe grains in cup or Milo as hot drink. But yeah, they are cheaper meals. Not to mention I got fast noodles inside my cabinets.

My housemates should really learn how to put garbage bag over the bin. Sometime they do it badly or put bag into bin, but it's not really a concern as long as the garbage isn't spilling out or something.

Yep, Of course I went into Arcade first. Knew the weekend is always peak customers hours. Got some good customers someday and at least I didn't upset them too much. Weird thing is after they done playing they thank me instead of me thanking them. Shouldn't be me doing it because I told them I need someone help me collect "points" on my cards. I spent an hour rushing for progress in my basic computer assignments. It wasn't the best but still look decent as hell it just that compared to other's people work i can say it looks the least efforts.

I was super relieved after having this progress. Afterwards, I immediately went and play at arcade right away so much that I really need to hold myself on a leash. You have no idea how much reliving is after having this much progress on my assignments even though it's not fully complete. Which I'll complete it tonight or tomorrow. As a bonus, Teacher just say there will be no class tomorrow since they already gave us the assignments for us to do and no lessons to teach for this semester.

I will have like a week before deadline is here but still finishing them earlier is certainly ideal. Yeah I just thought that since it's no school day.... No no no, I cannot just be arcade all day. At least bring laptop with you or something to work on assignments. Let's see uh.... Beside basic computer. Artwork analysis seems doable on computer.... Basic Drawing. Yeah, that I need to to bring the material and work it at college or home. Now that's an issue, so maybe tomorrow I will work on Drawing assignments at home? Yeah, Recalled the words that regardless how effort you're putting into assignments as long as you can get it done nicely.

I just realized I bought so many steam games that was on big discount sales but ending up playing arcade games and emulators. But maybe in the future where PC game is only option that could help.. In this case I'll never get bored at playing games. Except whether fact I am making video of it or not. At the arcade earlier I also bought fresh new banapassport card. Still haven't link it to an account but at least I'll have a card to link to a FT ticket navigator account and have terminal scratch in progress.

Ahh, thinking this much about my plan in steam games, channel, assignments, arcade itself got me into headache. Its 11pm now, I'll just make myself dinner then play or watch YouTube.

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