28-29 December 2023

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My head kinda hurts and I arrived at college after a simple breakfast. Was I always been this tiring or I have trouble asleep last night?

Most of the time in class were spend in correction and giving suggestion/advice given by our lectuerer. I can see a lot of other students who have better and worse result compared to mine. But I wouldn't say mine is good either. There's plenty of mistake down to details in Typography such as spacing, kerning, lining, sizes and hierachy of reading. So I wrote down the notes that what improvement I can add on my 1st poster and lot of correction need to be done for Poster 2. The only concern is that I haven't done the power point presentation for it yet.

Earlier in the class, lectuerer schold us again. I know it's not wise to note down negative or uneccessery details about stuff I cone across. But very least It's something I should note down for myself."Because of a student's doesn't follow up the work properly. Lectuerer says this to us as a lesson: That If you have any questions, please come here and ask me. I don't bite, Don't talk to your friend about it. Talk to me. I don't know how much you students pay for the studies fees whether it's you or your parents. but you should think about it. How hard the cash is earned, and you may regret it after learning here for 2 years. Don't says I didn't hear lectuerer says bunch of stuff what you said since you were playing video games, working on laptop stuff or talking while in class. I seen these type of stuff happen to your seniors too. So please."For today's WMMT arcade session. Nikki didn't show up but the Malay kid with his dad shows up and because he encourage me to stand up and battle more aggressive and I did. I kinda wanna pay him back and the dad says it's fine since we are friends and only RM 10.

For today's late night, I made myself being Clumsy canon as well. Even as tired as I am I still want to make Fast noodle with egg. along with Laundry as multitasking. I literally dropped my metal spoon into the pot's water. It's ALL OVER. But what I fear the most is the noises I make too much at kitchen during the knight because I happen to hurt myself with hot water a bit and bowl just make loud object clanking sound.


I remember last night I agreed to go to another mall far away from here at 2PM by 30 December. Although they are different friend than the usual one. Yep, its the person who I met the other day and said he is Comic Fiesta staff and met at arcade the other day. I feel like people I know is just Arcade buddies now... The initial D arcade new release. I don't know ,days ago? It was running on Unreal engine and it looks extremely good. And they wanted it too because of the Touhou crossover event.

I originally wanted to plan to go out at afternoon but distracted to do daily objectives and part of the assignment instead. My classmate Larris came to suite and wanted to look for YH. He was a bit surprised to found out I live at this suite. later I didnt play any game but worked on Powerpoint presentation assignments and still havent finish yet halfway. Looking at the time its already 6pm. I should go out and have meal and actually go out. Stucking at suite too long feels bad. At least I have window open so I can see outside a bit and wind in so I don't get bored. Time to head out to eat and to arcade. As well as shop some food supplies and items.

Instead of going to arcade too early I decided to walk around through the district I know, A little extra exercise wouldn't hurt. So on the way, I do a bank withdrawal in case wallet is empty and require cash for purchases. And bought COVID tester, I suppose to have bought this last week or is it? After Prom Night Event theres cases of COVID so I have to confirm even after days.

Within the big DIY store in the mall. They dont have a universal adapter for my Nikon digital camera. I mean, Batteries is not ongoing problem right now but I still need to buy it for the future. How can I almost forgot that nephew gave me a camera that is from America?

Either way tomorrow I am not sure whether I should go to The Mines mall just to meet my friend, I went there before with my family but its a pretty hassle to travel and get there. Not only arrival but probably return as well, because at night of 30 theres a major showdown at WMMT at my local mall. Its not like I have to attend I mean its not like I want to, but still interested to go there.

Decision is always hard.

Me and the Adam kid with his dad meet quite more and more often. For one time, His dad offered me to play 1 game with his kid, I sorta asked why at first because sudden offer free game. Even it's only 3 RM. always makes me think I will be in debt of someone. But to their perspective we are just friends and it' doesn't matter. So I asked him which car you want me to use to battle with? I do this since he offer and pay for me to play with him. I might as well have give him the option of what car he wanna battle me with it.. We did farewell and goodbye in good relationship to me and SKY that in battles with him, I like this Adam kid and his dad. Since It's all just a game and nothing was done harm.

This feels unecessery but I want to note it anyway. Before I take off and leave from the mall. My pocket zipper got stuck again with the same pants and no matter how hard I pull the zippe handle It won't buldge and almost hurt my finger with it and broke one of my pen trying to rip it off. So I have to request a pair of scissors from nearby food court and have to use it to "pry" open the zipper. and it work and my life is saved because If I cant get the zipper open. I can't use my wallet or my keys to return.

Either way, Beside Assignments that is still not near it's deadline. It was a good day. But I want to prepare for tomorrow where hangout with friends and such. but sounds like I am not doing anything productive at all.

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