20 January 2024

4 0 0

Felt nice with progress done today. I feel like I should work even more efficient and get this assignment done as well as not burn myself out by playing games but not too much time on it.

2 more characters info done today. Probably 2 or 3 more I will work in Plot and Narrative section in Movie Art Book. Decided to go out to arcade as late as 8:30pm although I wont play much but will also make a trip to nearby supermarket for supplies. My parents say's don't get hungry just because of saving too much. I might as well as spend over the budget a little.

Why when in city it gives me impression that the cheapest ice cream is more expensive than big quantities of loaf bread. Anyway, it's nice. Haven't have ice cream in a while. I think I saw my friend SKY's car just parked outside the bank as I enter the mall. There was a Hong Kong person who need money exchange. I got nervous and then he proposed idea to transfer currency to my bank and then withdraw out. Which is very suspicious and I think it would run into difficulties and trouble which me as a student would like to avoid these kind of situation. I mean if he need money exchange services just use google on phone though. He could ask someone else if its that desperate.

Either way, Sky told me that the mini mall centre "CU" have money exchange services I can use. I didnt know I guess I will check there another time.

KFC snacker box is a delightful meal. By the time I am ready. The arcade It's already closing time but stilll open. Even then Taiko is out of NBline. And all the machines is already being hard occupied, guess the best thing I could do is watch.

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