8 October 2023

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21 Questions, Alot of "In your opinion"/"On your own words" questions were provided

Involving Typography, Photography, Cinematography questions were mentioned. Who is the inventor of Cinematography I don't remember who is it... The exam started at 10:00am and supposed to end at 12:00pm. Most of us complete early before 11:00pm since it's little and fairly easy for them.

After the exam everyone head to staff office to collect invoice about payment for next semester. Kinda guilt for having it forwarded to my dad and he immediately noticed. Yesterday he just paid my rent and fees for living this month and I'm literally living under his money. I should... even though I can't because my dad want to keep my fixed deposit in unless it's emergency.

Of course, After exam is over and students is free they grouped in circles just for 10 minutes about the new character released on Genshin Impact today. What was it? Furina? Some got and some didn't. Personally I don't really play the game So I guess I'll have it for collection. Now every students has left the premises. Just me at library again. I guess I will just do checks-in with navigators from here, Update genshin to roll for Furina, maybe plays a bit.... Oh yeah, Drawing assignment. Let's finish that today.

Afterwards, Lunch then Hospital. And then I can peacefully rest at arcade. Now thinking all about this have my mind pushing it on me. I guess I will just work on this drawing assignment before touching the computer, I don't know how did my Long metal ruler magically disappeared but I will just leave it for now. I swear I was using it to measure and line up the cuts earlier.

Even with a minor inconvenience with my finger I have to be extra careful with cutting the mounting board. Although it doesn't looks good, on the edges but I have to get it done. The same staff members came in and helped me again. I insist that It would be very troublesome for them to do student's work but they did it anyway probably because of seeing my injury and am still doing the assignment.But seriously seeing their skills in cutting is just beautiful and fast. I said like how did you cut it so beautifully. Using glue and markers to make it looks better on end and I got to submit it today. Hungry as hell, time to eat nearby then call Taxi to hospital

Just a food of thought, I kinda dislike people who just brag they win NNN forever just because they really have self control. NNN is even bigger challenge who does it almost everyday or those who seek challenge for self control. I mean if the challenge is a cat walk then what's the point?

As I was being taxi to Hospital. I realized there is like MRT station next to it. This mean on my way back I could just board this instead of Taxi? I was very lost in the hospital since theres no guardian with me and doesn't know much about the process of hospital and stuff so I kind of confuse the staffs and feel lost around the hospital.

Which my social anxiety and clumsiness makes me look stupid,  Quite a long wait but at least I got here early. Because of my lacking of knowledge I may misinformation about myself so I have to be careful and think it through if staff or doctor asks me questions, Damn outside is already having pretty rain. At least MRT was closer and I still have my umbrella next to me, After inspection apparently the wound is not fully heal yet. It just matters of time for it's thick skin to rejoin itself. Although if I'm still not careful it will bleed again. It's either they are busy or there's alot of hands to work because this only whole process almost takes 2 hour.

Makes me mad, pretty much. First time I come to treat my wound it's more than 200. And this time here it's 220 again. But cannot blame city Hospital huh. I guess that's why insurance exist huh? The medical cost here is very high. It's only using the room and the wound dressings itself is already make the cost high enough. But the worker at Medical Records seems nice when sorting out with insurance claims, I don't want to go further writing those here. The lines of work about Insurances and Hospital doesn't sounds good here. Either way. I will have this sorted and contact about it with my dad, My housemate want me to help me submit his homework. I mean, His project, I guess it's not a big deal. I could ask his teammate to pass it to him.  Now they mentioned. I am supposed to bring mine too the next day.

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