15 January 2024

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Everytime I type into this journal, I can recall what the hell happened yesterday or that day. But maybe one day I'll read back those and reminds myself how ruined I am myself.

Woke up at exactly 7:30am I wanted and I don't feel too tired at all. Went off bath, brushed teeth. Went out with YH together for this time. He is willing to wait me by the gate while I go grab my camera which I totally forgot. And head out together.

I noticed that at starting walking speed from start I am apparent faster but later and later through the mall. His walk speed is gradually increasing and I almost can't catch up as the weight I am carrying today kinda kills me.Before we arrive at college we meet and come across Kelly on the way to order take away for such nice price to settle lunch.

When I entered class, my classmate is nice to call me out to sit next to him. throughout the class. He is actually very funny and friendly when sharing his line of assignment with me in a passionate discussion. Which really increased my motivation for working on the assignment quite alot and I don't feel stress or burnt out. I worked on it very nicely, Probably because I was in a good enviorment to study and work on productive stuff compared to being inside suite shut in and not chilly environment. Yes! they were right. It's better to work on something light and easy first before hard later since it gets most works done faster and effecient. For now, I need to keep up that motivation when doing this line of work.

Later at photography class, the lectuerer introduced us to try take shots on bottles, can and glass cup drinks shot and utilizes lights and reflective rims to capture the effects. as welll as using water spray on bottle to make it look visually "fresh". yes, Lectuerer gave all the time we can have fun and do the exercise by ourself to expierience and play around with new angle for photography. Later I joined the boys's conversation and do plank challenge for whole 3 minutes. It's all great exercises. One of the girl mentioned about my hairstyle.

Oh right, Let me elaborate on that. By all means it's bad habit or when I am thinking alot I keep using my finger to twist the front end of my hair into roll that cause it to become a roll point upward due to lines exhaustion whatever that call I personally find it satisfying to make my hair messy after keeping it in style quite some time.

I figured I might stay at college after class to maintain to work on the movie art book assignment or work it at home. But ends up going to arcade with classmates and the seniors (Lyhan & YH). They had fun playing it on Story mode and impressed with my skills winning 3 streak with a known person of mine who is regular arcade buddy. We call it farewell walking back to the suite land/condonium. So for tonight I didn't go to the arcade since as long as I done terminal scratch I can call it a day at arcade as well as refrain myself from spending too much in arcade games where I should be focusing on assignments instead.

Oh yeah I remember I recalled earlier while doing the assignment of Movie art book. I found out one of the supporting voice actor is apparently Aoi Yuuki. The voice actor of japanese Lumine in Genshin Impact as well as Lucy in Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Which should be great as information when elaborating this kind of characters in the work.

Of course back at suite I am back to lazy self. So I decided that tomorrow I will come early if possible to continue work on the assignments. Since assignments worked on college will much more better than staying at suite where I felt sleepy when it's hot and felt refreshed with only wet towel over me or intense raining that cold air flow into my bedroom with window open.

From recent research for WMMT. Aero parts does not affects performance, but affects camera angles and hitbox. Actually no... I researched for that again. It does nothing, but stills affects visibility

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