7 October 2023 - Gaming Cafe?

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Woke up at 10am, time to let the Gran Turismo AFK grind for 30 minute and take a bath

Yeah, If I have time. Check at Hospital and meet up at Arcade. 

The lecturer just posted list of possible questions that will present during the exams. Most of them seems to be hard to come out of my mind with the answers unless I search it up. Even then, Mobile phone and notes is not allowed during it. And it's usaully about history like who used to create 3 methods and one I remembered the best is Name a movie that was make fully using Computer Animation. I mean, easiest example are Toy Story and other Pixar's movies.

When I just done bath and eating cereal it's already 12pm. I guess Hospital will be skipped to another day. And matter of fact. Tomorrow is the day for the exam.

Let's finish this asap and get to the assemble point before 3pm. I can't believe I am actually going out in groups like bunch of delinquents that sometimes comes to arcade. Except that we aren't actually one. Just bunch of arcade game fan enthusiasts. Maybe the delinquents are same as well?

Now walking to the arcade I never realizes how early I am here in early afternoon. I think I did once, My mind is constantly worried about exam, spendings, assignment, hospital check. But I should be! I guess I'll try to push it aside just for today.

Hold on. An exam is going on today at the college, I don't think it's related to subject I am having today... I have to ask one of the classmate to be sure its not one of the exam I need to have because that's tomorrow instead of today.

Nevermine, It's another subject I'm not involved. That kind scares me for a second. Matter of fact. The assembly point has been changed as my friend called me So let's movie it. 

Bundles of fun today. 4 of us, I mean in the same car. Driving through the freeway to Mid Valley Megamall. Seeing further streets out there feel pretty fresh. Although there's only slight interesting playing there. Since it's late afternoon, The arcade is pretty empty judging the amount of people playing WMMT machines even though there's alot of sets of them. So we play versus together like how we normally do like how we like at usual Tropicana mall. It wasn't really pleasant but since others feels like tons of fun, I decides to go along smiles with them. My mind is just thinking the amount of card I can services to. At least I was being honest about me usually letting them play my cards and doesn't usually play myself. I mean, they are fine with it.We also tried out different games around different arcades as well, Most of our interesting conversation just consists some general talk, bunch of talk about cars parts, tuning, car meets and so on. I guess we just found our own types of people.

My friends noticed how I just carry around an umbrella into mall and casually walking around. They laughed and want to place it back into their car at parking lot. Which is quite close from the places we going. Before I realizes, I spend quite more than alot in Megamall. Some for the lunch at McDonald, and then plays at arcade. Honestly it's nothing much, But most players are pretty skilled. So this skilled friend of mine found himself with plenty of rivals to compete in. Before it gets late, One of us suggested to go to a gamers restaurant that we passed on our way here and also to settles dinners. And since it's city at night. It gets a bit jam in traffic.

Honestly we shouldn't stay out too long because it takes times to get back.Only this and Only this Restaurant enlightened me. It got retro arcade games, PS5 console, Nintendo switch station, 2 PS4 Stations.

But top of all, It's Thrustmaster setup whole linked to PS4 Gran Turismo 7. I was hyped as hell, But we have to eat here first in order to play it if no one does. My father also contacted when me and friends were on the way to the restaurant. He seriously adviced me not to stay out too late and pay more attention to education than friends. This really just add additional weight on my stress.

Yep, By Wednesday. I'll have to do Exams. Finish Drawing assignment, Go to Hospital for check-up then insurance claim. That's about it for tomorrow I guess.

We played around at gamers restaurant until close. Here's extra details about the GT7 account they hooked up. Its stuck on Main Cafe Menu Book but still have so many cars and credits and not to mention 56 gifts ticklet roulette unclaimed because amount of customers played them. And seems less occupied because it's hard to adapt and play. Thanks to my expirience playing GT7 from console back in the hometown. I know well how to play and it is certainly more fun to play with actual wheel instead. Although It spins like hell and pretty immersive.

Oh yeah, Would be rude to not mention. The place is called "ATO Gaming Cafe", I would love to visit again with my family next time I'm up here.

Two of my friends want me to pay for them at the moment with their dinner and Holy it's RM 62, I never want to spend that much at once, and I got so trembled and terrified by it. And they eventually paid me back by eWallet. Either way, This is a memory to be treasured. Only thing that is concerning is that there's alot of work to do tomorrow in the morning. And next time, I will bring my family and brother up here to eat and experience this.

Extra Details: My friends mentioned about fishing arcade game that allows you to win bunch of tokens and their main concern is they cannot convert it back to real cash so folks like us sometime buy from them.

YH's girlfriend and them having talk and fun in his room again. Suprizing I was the only one who get scholded for being loud in midnight and not them. Since I spent a bit too much today I'll have to very be careful of my spendings from now on because low than average balances.Gah, next 2 week I'll return to my hometown for weeks because of Semester break. Because my grandmother's diseases status. I really have to pay more visits to grandparents. 

So coming back to hometown is a must... Maybe I should tell my gamer friends about it. Not to mention today I was the eldest. Being 20 years old, Them are 18 and one of them being 17 who is the skilled player.

Should really treasure and enjoy while I can, Because adulthood and getting a job could be cruel and I'll have to take it one day. Just realized all I mentioned and texted is everything I am interested in and no important details about others. Maybe I think world revolved around me too much... At the same time I want to pretend to be nobody. Want to balance in between in general?

Either way, It's 12:30am now. Drink bunch of water. Maybe snacks and then head to sleep.

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