9th August 2023

14 0 0

Joyful as a Team carry Irl

Today might be exhausting but joy is enough to cover up what I done today. At the afternoon break of education, An online friend came to visit me by the hour right in my academy's entrance. It's reasonable that happened to live nearby and literally walk near here, I somehow instantly recognized him but not me. I tried to pull a trick on him by entering the same elevator as him and then surprise him behind. But I couldn't hold out my laugh anymore I exposed myself, It wasn't a well introduction or meet up but it's a funny one. We have quite a conversation though.

Not only that, We got an assignment that can be either a group based or solo to do. I figured that Grouped one would be better. It involves us making a Visual Element of Line. Involves making lines into curves, different pattern of lines with different objects like painting the drawing paper using Chinese Ink. I somehow subconciously become some kind of team leader for the girls I mean my housemates. That instead of doing it back at assignment we do it on the spot at classroom so we have more spare times later. Not to mention I want to go out soon and probably deal with other assignments later. Pretty fun I must say. And my controller finished repairing. All I need to do is taxi myself to the mall and collect it, But figured it went raining just now. Not sure how bad it'll be and goes.

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