10 January 2024

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I will have to halt my Visual Novel games and reduce arcade sessions as much as possible because these assignments are pretty important to my studies. Knowing that, If I fail. I will be instantly fail and then repeat the subject. I don't want that get to my parents. And even myself, Ah, my head hurts. This is all in my head yesterday.

I found out recently I been waking up still wanting to take nap anytime. And placing my phone away from bed will end up on my bed beside my head every morning.I assumed that I unconsciously wakes up, get off the bed and turn off the alarm from my phone then sleep with it. Maybe next time I will place it far away from my bed with alarms? Like my closet. Either way, it seems my friend want to meet up at arcade tomorrow. Probably because he want that discarded card himself from me I offered a week ago. Now I mentioned it, I guess

Next week, We gonna learn on Material shots in photography. And lectuerer already want to see our progress in proposal overview of product photography. Haha..... Our typography assignments is piling up enough to be frankly. Some of the classmates already start working on travel poster & movie art book assignments, meanwhile I am just working on custom typefaces. It's not hard but takes lengthy time. That's why I need to focus on getting this done before 14th which is last day for the overdue assignment. If I fail this, I will have to repreat this semester.

After class, I decided to stay at the college's music lab again. And I somehow want to help a little with my classmate's photoshooting, But ends up senior helping out with their setup and angles shooting. Not because I am not doing good, but feels like I am not needed at all, so I sat beside the room to do a bit of assignment continuing the Custom Typefaces. But I cannot focus at all because of the noises and enviorment and often distracted myself to conversating with the seniors as well as helping a bit in their photography. Knowing it doesnt help me whatsovers I still go out my way to help others If I can.

Later me, senior & classmates head to the mall I usually go to. Hanging out with them and then come across other classmates as hell. Which is the arcade next to the food court, For once in a while. Bunch of know classmates actually go to the arcade I usually goes to. And we have fun, Of course. I didn't play much. Only as much as lending them my Bandapassport cards and my arcade's balance card to play them. Of course, they will return me my credits by cash another time. But I am still worried about and didn't say much to it in behalf of trusted classmates. For Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune, they just plays local battle versus between each other using my cars. Of course, I suggested ways to enjoy the most while keeping fair fight between, It was uniquely way kind of fun. Later we gather around watching one of our classmate want to roll of doll keychain machine. These types of claw machine game are either luck based or skill based. After wards, We return to the residental area where most college's students live in suites.

We joked and have fun chatting with each other. It is delightful and never boring staying with them

For one time in a while, I am actually walking back to the condonium land with the classmates. Inson, Lyhan, YH, Larris. Instead of me walking alone back and forth I felt something. Right after we entered the premises through the security checkpoint. Larris's access card is missing while he is looking into his bag for it, he was stuck outside the checkpoint meanwhile others entered leaving him behind. I decided to back stay for him.After confirmation that his card is missing he guessed he left it on YH's bag. So we have to go around to different entrances for Visitor only checkpoint while I make a visitor pass for him. It's quite a distance to reach around the land for different entrances by foot. I walked with him, knowing that I can't make a overnight visitor pass without YH. He have to call Linson for help to lend him the extra access card out the gate without security knowing it. Either we all returned goodnight. As far as I know, While I am making tiny progress on the custom typeface assignment. YH is playing GTAV overnight with Larris over the discord call. it's already 1 am, Knowing I have to come early tomorrow to second take of the photography assignment with the boys and then class at afternoon. then do assignments at college. I should sleep now. By far today I realized I am skipping dinner or lunch just to save a bit of money. Reminds me in conversation that Larris told me he survived 1 week without eating and only drink water. Scary. then he went to cafe to eat dinner. I lent YH one of my Bandapassport card that have fully-tuned Laurel and ongoing progress RX-3 in it, The only concern is that there's 1 discarded vehicle card and hope he doesn't break story win streak, Not sure if I wanna tell him either since he is just casual and predicted we are going to work on assignments playing games.

That Night Larris told me at Near 20 November of 2023. Someone comitted suicide by jumping off the first block. While my friend Larris who is not 18 yet. Witnessed a person flat death on the ground while he returned by 4am returned from drinking. Man, For such a college. Every students here have talents but also personal issues.

Man, I met bunch of friends here. I am not satisfied but more than happy compared to living a lazy life back in hometown. This, heightened my sense of self appreciation. Alright! I will continue the assignments tomorrow. I agreed the boys that I come tomorrow for the photography shoot tomorrow then deal with assignments afterwards.

Oh, I planned to meet with Izran at arcade at 5-6pm. I know... assignment is still my main priority.

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