28 November 2023

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Alright. I am done bath at 1:15pm. Not sure if I have to do laundry tonight. Because it probably cycle of that time I should do laundry. After I head out I will just use chat and ask if they gonna use the washing machine tonight. If nobody does, I will wash my clothes. For now, I will have breakfast and go out to college to check out for registration & restaurants nearby to have lunch.At the matter of fact, It sounds ideal to stick around at college today so I may be able to bump into familiar students and relax there. Going to arcade this early is not a good habit even after being aware of my spendings.

So I asked two of my housemates whether if they are gonna use washing machine or not. Well, I will use it tonight then. Its been a month, I forgot the grapes box in my fridge even exists. From the looks of it. Its not editable anymore (rotten). So I disposed it, yep.

At the college, I came across the staff members and other students. The finance department staff and other friendly staff asked me how's my finger and it's been recover very well. Dont worry about it, I also have a short chat with staff's daughter who happened to be there. Nothing much but what I know is I got the information regarding about 2nd semester registration. Nothing much to do since I already got the invoice and only have to do is make payment through the same account number. On the other hands I got the timetable about the lecturer and classes I will learn for this semester. Looks like I will start coming to college at 4 December

When I was around greeting to everyone. I entered the Music Room, The student and a staff happen to be planning and students practicing the dance. So I went along and sit to observe learning dance for "Looking Out Loud" song together. It seems YH and Kelly have been practicing together for Prom Dance. This is an event under Music club within the college which it will happen on 16 December.Since Ms brought mentioned idea to shorten the Music, which i got an idea to help. Thanks to my basic editing skills I brought out my laptop and try listen then cut the song without notices big difference when listening it. After making 4 sample. "2:07" "2:55" "2:31" the first sample of the "3:01" is perfect. They listened for themselves and to ears its unnoticeable. But to organizer they noticed a part being skipped but it's usable. Now I am just following whether if they want to edit the Video with the reference for dance moves.

Their practice in the footages are well payoff. Although it is only half way through the song it works good. I felt pretty good someone appreciates my skills when I get to help someone

Turns out landlord is going to send a team of bug cleaners tomorrow instead of today. My room and YH's room is excluded but the gas will still goes into my room through the door's gap. This means anything near the door will be stained and I can't do laundry.

For WMMT, the Black BMW CSL main went here to Crown sweep again and then he show off his Pro Racing Meter.

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