23 August 2023

13 0 0

Freaking great, 1 hour of sleep and 9 hours of class

I went ahead and play Needy Streamer Overload, Red Dead Redemption 2 and then converting character cards in Koikatsu Sunshine. Alright, the 20 minute walk to academy is pretty tiring. Please give me a cold coffee already.... Today we learning.... Contour Lines Drawing. The idea is draw until the end without lifting your pen it is considered slow drawing.

Freaking dying and wanting to nap so bad. The assignment is about contour lines drawing. I drifted asleep and half asleep. Did I mention that already? We draw our hands 20 times in different pose and draw another 20 of them blind.

For the door lock that need replacement issues. They have to handle the phone for me to call the renovation worker to contact for lock replacement at tomorrow 1PM.

Me and the online friends of friends decides to meet up in real life and then watch a movie next Thursday. It's that simple, I guess. We discussed this in a discord voice channel and later. I'm called out by my group.

Finally, some progress on the digital calendar. Bless that I am still the one who handles information and writes reports of the team while others does the handworks but still a hassle we have scheduled night to gather together. god, I guess I'll write what happen to the rest of the day pretending I'm actually writing reports details.

Now the important part, Starting Friday which is 2 days later. the college is gonna be on trip to Melaka as part of  a event. we'll be taking video clips & photos throughout the trip, because we'll be split up into different groups then edit a video range from 1 minute to 3 minute.

On this evening, I went to my nearby mall to have fun as usual. Everytime I play Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune 6RR it would be 3 credit play because that would be one scratches for Wangan Navigator. Saving it until next month to scratch because the Toyota 2000GT matte black seems nice.

Before I leave the place I noticed a forgein people named "Mark", probably in his 30s ish. He is a geninuelly a new player coming from the game's original franchie mangas and novels. We talked alot together because it's what we passionate about. About the game's mechanic, details, cars stats, gameplay and stuff. Also sharing the fact this game can be addictive and money-burning. But It was all good. I feel delighted talking to forgein people about games and stuff. We friended each other on discord instead of WhatsApp.

Oh god so much in mind to think about & planning. Even the games I wanna do and play. Right before I was called out to do with digital calendar. I requested my introvert housemate boy to play a game called "A Way Out" since it's a coop only video game. also as an excuse to play with him by saying "Testing if it works or not before using as activities inside our Games & Club activities to be honest nothing much is going on in the club right now So this could actually help.

Oh I noticed my housemates are doing the works on this assignment with their new drawing tablet. Kinda wanna try it out but didn't try.

Since I don't have a face washer, My mom suggested me to use body shampoo as substitue. but make sure it's usage is very tiny little.

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