16 December 2023 - PromNight

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It seems that yesterday my housemates have fast food. Judging by the Trash bin in the common area.

I woke up 11:30am in the morning, and my hometown friend mentioned about WMMT emulator 6R in website but it was a scam. At leats some of my laundry & sneakers finally dried, So inside is still less moisture than outside. What.... It's 1:30pm already? I haven't take a bath and have breakfast yet. All I did Is GT7 Daily AFK Grinding, Miles Check In, Talking with others and playing.. Oh, Playing Call Of Duty:Mobile. Fine then, I will leave the computer for now and actually do something. Clear up the Laundry and then Bath.

I went ahead and installed Taiko No Tatsujin Arcade version on the emulator. Apparently its old and JP version so theres alot of songs I find missing. And theres some I never seen before. Either way, Its great to know now I can play the game on PC. WMMT6R On the other hand I dont have enough times for the installation so I went out at 5pm. Where the Prom Night start at 6:30pm. Yeah, I have some time to eat outside or check in near arcade from the Mall. I decided to leave my laptop and other stuff back at suite, as it reminds me back then to not bring out gadgets and gaming stuff so I will be focused on the venue I attend instead. At the same time, It will look better on character. Yep, I dressed up the best outfit I can, I wouldnt say I look handsome but it certainly looks fine.

I wanted to setlle my meal with Cereal, So I took out the one that have a serving left. And Just realized, The cereal is infested with some ants, That Is what I noticed after a few spoons. I am not sure if ants is editable or not but in terms of bacteria. I flushed the remaining down. And proceed to eat the bread that I bought yesterday. Anyway, My hometown found a legit link for the TP compaitable emulator games for arcade. He shared to me and It looks good. I can emulate and play the Taiko No Tatsujin.

I played WMMT until 6:20, It wasnt long but at least I got a kid who was at arcade play my brother's Bandapassport card for 3 game which is worth it. And I didnt play too much thats is out of my budget. Either way, Today's session is fine. Now what I need to focus on is the Prom Night coming up.

Its Saturday so its quite noticeable that rises in popularity and customers roaming around the mall. And road can gets busy. Its weekend after all, Theres some students here for the Prom Night already. All of them dressed pretty good and nice. Damn... everyone and students dress high end. Black business suit. Smart shoes... Dress shirts. Here I am, wearing Jeans & Demins.

Even my housemates arrived well dressed as well.... I feel out of place, I don't even look good....My social anxiety is slowly rising, I am definitely getting nervous and worried. Should find a table to sit down at... I suddenly have urge of being out of sight

I sit at table with much more closer classmate. They looks fine but definitely not too out of league. Everyone else is chill at other table. There is people who is typing phone on their tables. Sitting at registration, Setting up the stage, Standing around in group talking with others. Most of them were wearing Black colored themed. Especially the ladies wearing sleeveless dress. Well, most of them wear dresses. One of the lovable staff returned to visit them.... Hopefully my anxiety doesn't overwhelm me. Need to keep up my smile and attitude with others.

(I wanted to take photos and use it to memorize but fear of others saying im creep taking photos of others... So I tries take photo without others attention much)

Either way, As time goes by. Me and others got more comfortable as time passes, watching and recording the dances and sings from the stages. Conversation with others, My anxiety is just disappeared. Am actually enjoying it!

Everyone having fun with the free time. Since the main activity ended, the place turns from Prom Night into NightClub real quick. Before I forget the details, Gotta write them down quick. Everyone wear high-end outfit even though I dont look like one but nobody mention it to me. It's just students having fun with others after all. The food they prepared are exquisite. I ate so much. I went on have the 3rd plate and no doubt. The amount of food I ate is fulfilling. BBQ fried chicken, spaghetti, fried rice, Broccoli, fish chips, Raspberry drink. Small cake cubes, Bread and Sandwiches. Even on way home they gave me the leftovers for the Sandwiches and I can enjoy eating it for the next day. Theres so much I wanted to share with my family but I dont want to entirely flood the family group chat. So Only share the important pictures, in the whole Prom Night. I dont really stand out much or talk as much as others but I certainly recorded most of the footages that I can share it with others like my classmates have crazy singing montages going on and they would like to rewatch the clip. Or I can keep it as memories then watch them back.

Held events, most of them were performance but always interesting. Even my classmates I am friends with can be very talented, anyway. Everyone here who attended will have their gifts under the Christmas tree with their name on it and thanks from the staff. I dont know for others, Many different people get different presents ranging from alot of sizes. Mine one is not big but not small either. With sticky note taped on it says Thanking me for my help edit the song for the Prom Night performance. Ahh, Its that day that I stay in College's audio lab. That I help out with music video editing that could assist the dance slightly. I felt delighted that I am able to contribute but others were always done better lol. All the girls and boys dresses very beautifully. Still looks good even after the girls performance and changed to their actual guest dresses. Later for the free times we eat, takes photos together, and sing our hearts out with songs we requested. Really turns the places into a Nightclub. Before we return, we pack up our stuff and most were return to college which is just nearby so we just walk and carry cargo around with Trolley and what not. With other 2 classmates we return by Taxi. Since walking back is dangerous, and here I am typing the details out.

It is quite a memorable night. Everyone is happy, even though I did not do much to help them. Heh.


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