31 January 2024

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Good mood today, prepared bath and asked the girls classmates/housemates to call taxi together and head out to college.

I have to be ready for presentation and assignments. Well you know what they say. The first to do presentation is the first to finish it. Building up stress is not funny, In Wangan Navigator, 25 scratches and no meter god damn. Instead I got 2 monthly car instead, it's gonna happen like last year where I got 3 car but no meter. But later I got meter anyway. But STILL, 3 MONTHLY CARS.

Extremely joyful after presentation today.

Here's are the notable stuff i remembered.I remember that Lecturer told me I am the first student that propose the use of QR code in Bibilography, She is entertained rather and like the way I elaborate the information I did in reference works and encourage me to to work on graphic design if I want in the future. Although she told me I have reduced marks because no progress check and informing her when I was absent. As well as the status of my assignments.

She said my movie art book is very well made. The presentation last 1 hours which was longer than the student's average 30 minutes. And I didn't even prepare a script for my speech. Guesses experience I picked up from making videoes before really pay off. But I still have to deal with photography assignments tomorrow though. Although there's alot details I can't put into words but I love it.

I leisure myself watching videos and play mobile games for an hour then proceed do a bit of photography with my assignment on my desk. It turns out kind of nice. I also found a suspicious stick drive in my bag. Unsure who and what is it. decided to plug it in my laptop and found probably some venue background images and some exes... Seems like security stick or something. I tried to format it but failed. But I decided to leave it as it.

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