24 January 2024

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Woke up at 10am, I lay down upside down on the bed with my head on the ground. Probably help make shaken more awake since there's still desires to sleep longer. After I done taking bath, the girls are ready going out earlier. I soon prepare something for breakfast like biscuits.

I noticed that YH is back from his hometown and by the time I am about to head out, he is taking a bath. Not sure If should I wait for him to go to college together.

The air here, is chilly. Well, college was even more cold because the air conditioner is just getting colder. 

I personally think I yap too much. Right after I have humorous conversations with my classmates while we are in the audio lab to shoot photos for assignments. Although its individuals one so we just shoot our on. Unfortunately for me, I didn't have the sketches ready and I need to show it to my lecturer for green light. My friends best adviced me to do the sketches for the photography to take place and shoot as soon as possible. Quite opposite for some of them where they prioritize photography over typography subjects.

I don't wish to go to arcade too early for tonight so I decided to stay at the restaurant I have dinner at for the time being to think about the assignment. I could go back but hassling to go out later...

Tomorrow I think college will be closed due to a public holiday. But I will spend that some sketches the products for the photography first then continue the assignment for Movie Art Book but for Friday. Think I will arrive and do assignments especially Photography with one of my friend which falls into similar situation with me for the assignments. I spend small time assisting them today but I think I can for Friday as well since Photography usually requires teamworks.

Throughout the entire day. I am completely devastated by the amount of assignments I have to work on. The time I could have been using it focus on Movie art book somewhat shifted to Photography. I have to work on proposal like sketch then mind-maps the food and product photography, and the worse of all. It cannot be generic. My creativity is not that good either, utilizing mind map got me stuck for hours, I know I have to get this subject pass too. But isn't time effciency is important too? Getting stuck and time passes is very bad thing to happen. What should I do...????It's 1am, and my head hurts, But I cannot sleep peacefully either knowing I need to use as much time as I can to work on these....

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