26 October 2023

12 0 0

Was in deep sleep, oh..... I streamed Beyond Two Souls the game for 9 hours until morning.

It's heavy rain, Its was 2pm, On my dream it was a raining too, Suddenly the loud thunder woke me up. The thing is my brain register the wave and shock know it before the thunder happened. Next few thunder comes in. And it is rather closer and loud.

Whatever it is, I need to wake myself up and get to college until this heavy rain. The weather is is certainly cold though. Literally scream at myself stop watching youtube get the fk up from the bed you need to go to college. Alright theres alot of stuff I need to do when I have free time. Food Supplies and Laundry but Assignments and Games comes higher priority. Decided to ask one of my active WMMT friend to suggest me an arcade/venue place. So I can card service or find more players to versus.

Oh yeah, I just remembered that I have to lend my teammate my PS5 controller. This morning I was half awake without thinking give the controller to the YH housemate and have him pass over it to my teammate. Yeah... I remembered now. Okay no time for chi chat after bath. Get breakfast probably, ask housemate about if i can do laundry tonight. Then go to college to print stuff.

Okay no time for chi chat after bath. Get breakfast probably, ask housemate about if i can do laundry tonight. Then go to college to print stuff. I got words that someone told me I am not contributing or doing homeworks/assignments. Now this just made me more depressive and stressed. 

When I got home I really should work in it but need to plan which to go with first. Probably best at easiest first. I left my stuff at library. It's late now and almost time for college to close so the air conditioner and lights were off. I sat down there, It really help me think and write better, not sure why but I feel much more focused doing it.

- First, I will finish up Visual communication by printing up the A2 paper
- Second, Basic computer's poster design. Finish up the tracing of the car and life paint it. Throw in some compiled small images then you're done. Remember to screenshot some progress.
- Third....Let's finish the first 2 first instead before moving on artwork analysis and basic drawing.

Alot of will change next month. My friend in autoshop will be sent to another store to learn now stuff about mechanic. Exam week for my college will come. Monthly scratch off for WMMT. When I entered my suite. I noticed the garbage bin have been filled with paper containers of fast food packages. Damn, they had a hearty meal themselves. I should treat myself with something nice other than fast noodle or normal rice meals. Since my youtube money have been checked in and my parents gave me some living funds. I should treat myself something nice in a while

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