27 February 2024 - Weird dream

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Weird Dream

Goes like this, we were a happy family. We live in an apartment, I love a girl.

One day, We triggered the souls, spirits and ghosts because of dad interruption and his drunken behavior. He angered the ghost and is now mad at us.

Initially, it was 2 ghost who seems to be familiar passed away family members who want to drag me in and talk to me in bedroom. Yes, they dont have physicsl body so I only ser them as white cloth thin strings that can pull me in force and talk to me audibly.

Trying to convince me something. When the ghosts attacked us and the family, everything shaken. Going dark. We got sent into a different apartment, a different apartment. I can hear my family recovering from the chaos from the spirits attack. Now 4 of us is now in a different apartment somewhere in the same city. Except that, I saw, my dad. Is not my dad... what? My dad sounds the same but he's a totally different person. Same voice but different body and faces. This happened to me too... Why am I a different person??? My mom too, and now we have a different name. Did we got reincarnated??? No... this seems to be in same timeline.

We got respawned? As a different person? I checked my younger brother. For some reason, he is still himself, same face and body and his name is the same and almost cannot recognize us. Time passes on, we slowly adapt to the new life and find out what happened and find out what happened to our past life. Is the original us dead or forgotten or missing?

We came across another friends of my family. And made friend with it, we try to bond a relationship again since they don't recognize us and they slowly recognized it was us, and in one day. I was sent to this friend family and talk about the stuff.

We went and found a dungeon that can travel across different worlds of oddly terrifying shaped biome to find answers only to be tracked by the same spirits which consumed our flesh and souls.

The spirits came back and attack us when we returned back to apartment without us knowing. Lights are going out again, dark aura emits, my ear is ringing till the point I have difficulty hearing something. My friend's family is trying to fight them and no help. They were too strong. All of us slowly faint onto the ground. I couldn't too, everything is going dark. It was painless but freighted falling unconscious.

Next day, we woke up in different apartment again. With our identity swapped and different faces, the family's friend is affected too. This time, it was me and them. I don't know where is my actual family is and Now I have to find them with this family's friend as well. Their parents freaked out that they do not look like who they're called but for some reason, their daughter is unaffected. Remaining the same look and body. I believe that youngsters is unaffected by the spirits attack.

So we carry on, trying to win back our original identity and travel the depths and find out what is the source of this with this new family's members of mine. I missed the girl I loved long ago. Once I returned to my own original body, I will definitely find her after I settle this spirit madness. I been attacked by the spirits 4 times and have 4 times my identity swapped because of failed battle thus beginning the new adventure and story of A man who have identity swapped by the spirits.

Pretty strong dream ain't it? I could write story with this. anyway it's 10am, I should wake up. Today's sun bright as ever. But hopefully not too bright to make me sweaty all over again. I remembered last night I bought leftovers from cafe. Should heat it up and do it as lunch anyway, Can save the cheese and toast for tomorrow.

There is no class for me today. But yes for entire day of tomorrow, I been thinking about full crown with my WMMT game in arcade before someone take it.

I encountered YH my dormmate on the way unlocking the main entrance. He asked me to leave the lock open since he is just taking something then leave soon. Said he was at Lyhan dorm. Anyway, Imma head to arcade start at 5:40pm. I used the leftover as dinner this time, I suspected there were lack of fiber.

I now sometimes suspects that I have diabetes. Probably because of dad pass down known disease from his grandfather. The signs I noticed are Lose weight without trying but that's normal, Is often thirsty, dry skin something something. I will keep it in mind.

My plan is to do full crown sweep at arcade for Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune. It was exciting and intense stage of doing. Although one credit were wasted thanks to machine random disconnection's but I insist using the same cabinet in the entire arcade because it's optimal. Almsot full crown, might as well as spend a little bit mroe to full crown it. Closing in... I went crazy, RM 60 just for full crown sweep. I should stay off spending at arcade for a bit now. This addiction is bad.

Oh no. It's the veteran who arrived. I know him for taking very many full crown sweep as breakfast and Some sort of regret... i decided to help him by telling him which machine is optimal and answering question how did i run the courses but probably because i am too kind. If i didnt help my crown would maintain longer. Well, he will get it either way. He claimed himself to be rusty but he is skilled enough to overtake the crown without my help. He is also sorry that he is going to take the crown i just took today so he decided to take half of the crown today but i do see his struggle in Hakone Taikan though since my linings there is well trained. I told him I crash alot, that gives him the confidence. I decided to stay and watch him taking my crowns. But my reasons is I want to observe how he does the linings.

Well, I dont feel it bad either way. Someone is going to take the crown either way. And I respect him but I shouldnt forget that I have the achivement and images captured down that I successfully to do my first time crown sweep. That's all it matters. I am satisfied with this achivement I have.

But I felt good about him challenging my Mt. Taikan crown. Just to witness how good is my driving line I trained. But I believe he can actually do it. It just he is handicapped by the size of using Aventator to fight my Aristo Taxi. Anyway, Returning home and get ready for class tomorrow. I might as well as call mom and tell her the toaster is good before sleeping and ask how's my family.

WhiteGXRoblox's Slice of JournalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora