22 December 2023

13 0 0

Recently, I haven't touch remote play for my PS5 quite some time, I mean it is reasonable the conneciton is unstable sometime but mainly my brother have been AFK grinding it for himself instead of me. Since it's physical and actual so grinding is far much more better with him.

Anyway, Before this evening of arcade sessions with friends begins. There's still time for me to do what I need in this morning and afternoon. Yes, I woke up in 10am and I finished bath.I can work one of the easier assignment If I choose to, Of course. Since I have bad habit of let loose myself too much. My brains often comes video game's daily objectives and quests be higher priority since the way I manage stuff have always been Easiest first and hardest last. But suppose to be opposite because you don't want to be working on hardest one when you're tired. If I were be doing the easier assignment, I would go with "Self-Biography Introduction Poster' which applies Hierachy of Typography with minding about CONTRAST, SIZES and READING PATTERN. Yes, The assignment is also tasked that photos is not allowed. Only vectors, colors and texts. In this one I will write about my name, personality, about me, my horoscope and favourite slogan. Why I like to study design. As such, should be simple. and also sketches is required first.I should update status to my lecturerer as well. If I choose to go out than staying at suite. I could help with my friend SKY's with photography shoot of Daihatsu Gino.

I distracted myself from watching an episode an Anime. and then back to doing daily objectives, While I was happened to be scrolling through my phone's album. I saw, photos shared by my family. They are great, but one hits me is that is a photo that were took at 2008. When I was 5 years old. Who is this dumb looking guy.... Wait, It's me. And there is photos of my parents and brother when they are younger. I wondered, If I can time travel. I can meet the younger version of my family. And then my grandfather, who passed away. That would be amazing. But c'mon, I am 20 years old. My family still exist and still in good health as ever, Why do I ever think like a old people.

This morning house was making TangYuan. Not sure what is it called for English. But it is something editable we chinese make with flour into ball during Winter season.

Although no assignment progress were done till afternoon. Suddenly my classmate messaged me when to go out, typically I go out when 6pm. But he want to go to the mall now at 2am. Along bringing with the tripod. So I brought out my laptop as well, If if anything I can work on assignments outside or continue play games or stuff on laptop outside instead but of course this time I leave my digital camera back at suite since theres too much to carry now.

Me and BRY played at Tropicana Mall arcade quite some time. It was pretty early to arrive here at Afternoon than Night. And compared to night theres quite some different people of regular I meet here. He know quite something about the game itself but still able to find joy playing it after versus me, Of course me and him play other arcades too. Not only WMMT. Then later I lend him one of my extra Bandapassport since he wanted to build car progress on Lancer EVO. Discarded vehicle card is i ncluded too. Of course earlier I lend him and show him the car selection including my mains whether if he want to customize and try it in battles together. He also showed me that he is gonna work here at this mall starting next day and I got curious so I followed him for him to show where he will be working here for the next month. On the way he mentioned that he will be meeting Kelly and someone else to carry over the Tripod meeting at the same mall so he part way goodbye at 4pm. Not sure if I will meet him again here, kind of feel bad that it is just me and him came to the arcade than his other friends too which was the original plan.

Instead of staying at arcade or the mall all the time. I decide to head back and take a break. And just realized there's this restaurant below the suite blocks I always walk pass and seen but never dine in with it. So I did, and just realized I can eat there and still save my budgets. Perhaps a diversity in restaurant choice is not bad at all. Later again, Of course. I went to arcade and play again like normal. This time felt a bit more satisfied playing Time Attack on long road to get limited title that is from 21 December to 7 January. for my WMMT Impreza. I got "My IMPREZA" and another day I will sure to get "Daddy's Corolla". For funny reasons, my friend got the "Wife beater" title. It's not much interesting but worth to note it down in my entries.

Recently 3 of my female housemates have been meeting an outsider. Or someone I don't know. It's a slim girl hanging out with them. Even seeing them near the arcade at the Mall this evening. And now seeing them again talking in the dining room with the 3 after I return from Suite. Of course, I said Hi to them but not too much interferance was there. So between me and them there's not much conversation.

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