17 October 2023

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Nothing much is going but I'm gonna note it as I am enjoying my dinner with fast noodle and butterscoth bread.

There was a little progress on one of my assignment but It still good start. Compared to others? Nah, There's too much going on and everyone is tense working on assignments while I am relaxed and procasinate. I still feel bad about myself after realizing this. Either way, Since it's also a hour before Genshin Impact banner release new character. The boys I know went into library after class to roll for him. Even got the new Genshin player of my housemate dragged in. And she plays them at 11pm tonight.

There's literally zero popularity in the arcade today, So nothing is earned on my card. Still 15+ plays before scarlet meter from the BMW M4 Colleciton event and 3 plays on my Nissan FUGA before next custom body color and a discarded card. Met new friends at arcade again but i should be aware there is better places for meet up somewhere. But about the habit of regularly going to arcade really affect my attention to my assignments. The stress is still there until you do something about it.

Kinda funny people say entertainment is a way to relieve stress but dealing with what causes the stress is most effective way to do it.

I will really have to pay attention to my assignments the next day. And also there's halloween party or event going on at my college on this 19 October and fee of a dollar. I am going to check it out that day by myself. I can already see decoration is being set on. At least it exciting right? I am gonna wear as someone who I am already is, A gloomy guy who stands at wall entire day and everyone want to avoid that creepy person. Either way, Today is a blast playing Uno with the students. It is thrilling but also nervous at same time because as Introvert I couldn't come up with good joke or else I am gonna look and sound weird. 

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