8th August 2023

18 0 0

Uncomfortable Sleep, Well. I'll living on my own anyway.

Yesterday I was so exhausted, I literally drifted to sleep on my bed while my laptop have game running on. Then I had a terrible dream and uncomfortable feeling in my body at 3am. Right, The lights is still brightly on. So It's like I want to open my eyes but it's too bright that it's hurting my eyes. Woke up, I can barely get up. Don't want to do much. So I went back to sleep and woke at 10am. There is police sirens out the street. Very dazzling rain going on.

Well at least today our session is gonna be Computer class, which is the most interesting subject to me. And It was a great call my housemate call a group grab taxi cause will be bringing our own laptop and not to mention it's raining outside. I forgot to buy Umbrella and stuff I want yesterday. Haha....

I still have a sore throat and it's kinda painful. Painkiller only help a little I will have to use the oral spray to help with it for now.

Now in computer lab class, I introduced myself to the students as the newcomer. My housemates also use Nitro 5 Acer series laptop but mine one is different model of it. The teacher asked me to learn to use Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop. I use the preinstalled one of their computer. Still figuring out the tools and how to use it. My teacher asked me to look for the specific teacher to help install these programs on my laptop so I can use it myself because they are not free and it's priced to install through the internet.

Today rain is pretty bad lot of storms too, Almost got wet sharing a umbrella with a friend.  I should go down there and buy my own umbrella and daily life usable items. That would be nice.

I think I'll play some games before I sleep. Too much on my mind to write details here. If I'm free or actually not occupied I would actually write good stuff here.

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