11 January 2024

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Its 10am already, I cannot make it. My classmates told me and have to go the shoot without me.

Its a bit concerning whether they forget to return me money or unable to at the moment. Since its not too much, I will wait longer, since I dont wanna give impression of a person who keep asking about debts.

11am, Probably best time to go out now. Since theres no need for photography. I will leave my camera at suite. But I ended up using my classmate's camera to redo the lighting angles photography. 

Usually, playing Romantic visual novel, or watching a clip of any genre anime. It often makes my heart race. But looking to myself that I am about to be 21 years old, which means I am still young and should pursue higher. Like I should aim for love, or something that can satisfy my life path. Like making a production of an story/anime. I used to do animation of something similar to that before on my channel.

In the dream, I recalled a short moment that I am in fight with someone. Theres my perspective of me using my umbrella to hit someone. But he tries to grab my umbrella to counter my attack, I cant remember much but is this the foresight?

I finally managed to draw the typeface done, meanwhile others were working on their movie art book assignment, in which I should be working on it already. But my typeface assignment comes in first priority. Either way, I had my lectuerer check my typeface to check in progress. **Seems there adjustments is needed: "X-height, descenders"** Think I will work on it after I get back to suite instead of at college.

Because I don't want my friend waiting me at the arcade this evening and I still need to go out and eat. After today, I am sure going to make this assignments. Everytime lectuerer checks on my progress, I pray that it gets a pass. If not, I will be nervous. Since I don't like people judging on me badly, But it's good critics to take in I should listen well to lectuerer words. Since it's part of learning process. It seems my classmate forgets one of his stuff again where yesterday he forgot to take his red small bag and return it this morning. Staff here is actually nice.

After checking in at WMMT arcade, I didn't play there. Probably not in the mood to play a money consuming session unless theres a bonus promotion for the balance card top up. Or until my friend return me cash or simply I want to play something else... or you know. Assignment, So yet again i sat at the food court somewhere near the arcade. Bring out my laptop to work on the assignments. Its also 6:20pm.

I felt delighted but not satisfied, after using the time I can swiftly work on this custom typeface assignment, submitted with the files, font test images, I call it "Split Shard" typeface. It's not perfect but certainly enough to get the assignment done for this so I can finally work on the others. But still... There's powerpoint presentation required to be made even for this as well. It's still pain in the butt. At least one less brick is released from my back and I have to carry the rest till very end. It's 8:40pm. I am not exactly free from the assignments. Because I will be working on the Travel/tourism poster tomorrow. Since time is essence and there's reasonable time before deadline for this huge pieces & lengthy work for the assignments. Gahhh.... Well, Since I am next to arcade I might as well as check on it a later.

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