12 January 2024

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I know it's 3:40am already, But I know well that it is going well, for the Basic Grid.. I mean Travel poster and try go for a poster about San Andreas from GTAV, but I can hardly make out of it due to lack of history and reason to go there as context. So I swapped for "Nurburgring" travel poster theme instead. Since its real image and its relative to my knowledge and love for racing cars, it did went well and I personally like my own work too. I hope my family see the work I shared through group chat. Oh right, they are sleeping, since there's no class tomorrow. I can stay late a bit and continue play Visual Novel game myself.

There's so much stuff I wanted to share but nobody relatable is there for me to. Am I, lacking friends or someone close? I accidentally fell asleep on the bed as soon as I sit on it for a bit at 5:30am, My mind didn't even care the fact I left my laptop screen on idle for striaght 5 hours for the second time game is still running, fan speed on max and didn't cover in blanket with pitch black lights off. unlike how I normally sleep. I prepared my breakfast and brushed my teeth to continue playing this visual novel.

For this time I been playing this romance visual novel game for quite 2 hours. I should take a bath then daily objectives. As well as plan out my assignments plans?

Of course I don't stick to one game only. And dynamic change is always refreshing. I switched to playing God Of War. Of course I return to visual novel game another game.

While I was playing God Of War ghost of spartan with emulator on my laptop. My online buddy Vaniel come and propose for coop gameplay with "Obscure" with his PS2 emulator. For coop to work we remote connect on the same device with PlayStation controller connected.

Just like we played together happily until 6pm. Felt kinda concerned about my personal being, like I should have been doing assignments or daily objectives for myself. Yeah, I think its what they called like the anime. "I been deceiving myself", of course I told my online friend that I have to go, because I have to eat, take bath and do what I need to before heading out at night.

Since I have a fully tuned ticket for the Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6RR. Should I wait until next 6RR+ new car to use it? Or sell it? Or preserve it to use it myself? Since I am not really into opening new car. I guess I will keep it for now until when I decide to. Assignments should be higher priroty to manage.

l felt stressed when I open up the adobe illustrator and see empty templates and artboards waiting for work to being put on it. All the sudden, my brain felt rushes and stones. I calm myself down by telling me. I should work pieces by pieces with days. Knowing it's not something I will get it done in short time. But still have to because the time I have is not really long but I got a notepad of texts, ideas and plans helped.

This is the movie art book assignment. The title will be "Kimi No Na Wa", Yes. It's the Makoto Shinkai's well known movie, The manga I bought with the story really helped me. And probably better with watching the movie as well.All the troubles left Design, In Design needs creativity. Yeah... It's 12am already. And Felt stressed enough to tell myself to work on it another day instead but it would be getting worse instead.

Gathering everything I know in my brain, the planning. Also conversation and lesson I heard from another lectuerer while at vending machine. He said "Creativity, Idea" and "Knowledges,Skill" are seperate things. See you might have the idea, but doesn't have enough skill or knowledge to execute it out. And sometime you don't have creativity and idea but have the skills to do so. But at very least learning skills is the thing. Can't recall much but there's meaning behind this. Or simply said I been overwhelming to work on stuff simultaneously where focus on certain parts before another is better to manage

Gahhh. I don't want to stress myself and want to decide to think about this another day. Yeah, gathering all the details and plan once is not ideal at all. This is supposed to be one step at a time. Alright. Maybe powerpoint presentation comes later? or do it in making? Doing it while in the process felt like it's more effective efforts but more stress to put on.... Whatever it's 12am. I need to make something to eat and then browse internet till I sleep.

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