20 February 2024

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Sets off! At 7am, to Genting Highlands with family. Of course, dad's driver again, he is still considered organized and scheduled character and my mother is usually the one double checks everything and kinda slow him down. My brother's luggage and clothing being checked and bagged and rest are ready to go. I got my camera bag with me too.

We have our breakfast at the popular local restaurant just like 4 of us family back then, mentioned to my family I cant unite and eat for the time being me study in KL. Of course, my mom still worry a little about how I eat and meal in KL life but I won't tell her much or I worry her

During conversations, dad often bring up the topic of AI may replace many industry or designer jobs because many realistic and convincing photos and media has being created. My brother suggested idea of creating AI that detects AI in case they use it for piracy or crime. So conclusion is pay attention to modern and future visions knowledge to pick up. Of course the the lessons I am taking still helps in basic understanding of the designs and stuff

It's been 4 years since me and my family going to Genting Highlands, but this time. My dad rocks around with his Subaru. Reminds me of mountain sprint tracks when running up Genting Highland. And my ear is feeling pressured because it's high as cloud.  

Gaming sector of the park indoor. Where theres rigs setups and VR ready play for limited time with a price.Brother went for F1 racing, this rig have triple monitor setup although I find the graphics settings personally unoptimized, limited at lower than 60fps and the refresh rate of the rearview mirror is low.I went for 30 minutes of Beat Saber VR. The experience of adjusting lenses gap depth perception is not enjoyable but I got used to it quickly. Although there are many songs some of mine I know isnt there. That enough I can play this to exercise my body.

My dad previously planned to do take away in nearby fast food but a single burger cost way too much as RM 20 and up to 30. So we went for nearby cheaper options later.For our lunch, we eat at an elegant Japanese cuisine. Pricey but it's fulfilling and worth it eat together with family.

Initially my dad want me and my brother to have fun in the big outdoor park that can play unlimited times with a ticket of RM 150 for each person. But my brother and I refuse it anyway since it's too much for us.. But, that RM 55 is used in Indoor archery play. Unlike videogames, this takes real strength and stability to hit target accurately with my bow and arrow.Later my dad spotted a gaming outlet that have rigs setup for racing games like Forza as well as VR space.

40 floors high, swimming pool. On top, for some reason the apartment my father rent is much more cheaper than most of others. Where one day is less than 200 RM for this one, facilities and damn.... Windmill Upon Hills.

Hmm... I am returning to suite by tomorrow night. For the day being I will spend time shopping and hanging out with family. My younger brother got even more involved with Project Sekai because of my influence. But I still have to somewhat remind his education and academic since his language and knowledge is worse than me.... Anyway, by morning my brother and dad can spend the time check out the Gym or the 40th floor of this land. And checks out by afternoon.

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