16 January 2024

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I hate the dream today. Apparently I am inside an tall and almost abandoned single room apartment. It's all dirty and lonely. I have a key of the gate. An uncle suspiciously walks towards to my gate after I unlocked the gate and entered it. Decided to attack me try to steal my key. Knowing the laptop bag I carry always have the standard and long umbrella on me. I equipped it in my hand to defend myself. Tried to to throw the key away and dont let me have it. It was no use hitting and attack him with umbrella. Since in the dream I am sloppy, thumb finger and often cannot excel forces. I'm slow in movements as well.

Either way, I didn't join in the photography with the boys this morning because I woke up late again but good news knowing there's no class today but still come to college anyway just to do assignments. Meeting some seniors and classmates but no class for me today.

Of course sitting with other classmates is always chilling and relaxing compared to staying in one place bored lonely. Which is quite ironic to my own personality where I prefer to be reserved and introverted. Of course, I launched up WMMT emulator. Where Kelly and YH noticed and give it a try. One of the other friend noticed too but he made a joke about it I laughed. Later I returned to working on assignments till 6pm. For the outside, I can hear thunder storms but can't see through windows because of the tints. but at the very least I feel comfortable at student area which is next to the library of the college which is spacious and cozzy

After my friend YH finally got his laptop upgraded in RAM. We played GTAV together that he wanted to shop at my garage. I didn't know you can buy your friends car off the LS Car Meet by the time we stopped playing, it is 5:30. 30 minutes before college closes.

I still need to keep up the consistent progress on my assignments. It's 16 Jan already. I need to put all my heart into it! Like really! Either way. We had fun playing at arcade and then eat at the mall's Burger King. Any day is a good day with friends and classmates especially Lyhan is humurious as hell. Although I can't be good at making jokes as good as them. My communication skills still sucks either way.

Since I don't want to use too much time on putting small details in entries, I better continue work on assignments right away at 10pm.

At 12:00am, My younger friend back in hometown looks like got a Fully tuned ticket for Wangan Midnight Maximium Tune as well. Told me he is still dedicated to his decision of saving it till 6RR+ release.

It's 2:30am, And I am just about to finish the voice actors sections. Probably wasted too much on watching some other stuff on the internet and surely my lack of efficiency in executing works, although musics are nice touch to get in the mood when working on stuff like this. Well, the crew and casts section is well done is finished but I will need to work on other main contents as well. Tomorrow I will be sure to work on it with the time I have at college. Another concern is Photography push down on us.

Hold on, 5am already? As I was just watching the movie a bit and search for materials. Damn, I realized even though I can watch at Netflix. Doesn't mean I can capture it at high definition since it's quality is dynamic and optimized at around 720p most of the time. I watched the collectors edition before but not in poessesion though, But I know I can use them as refrences or materials. But thank god people make a collectors edition review on videoes and website that I can actually read something on it myself. I guess looking for materials is part of the process too. How did I end up watching the movie as well? I am supposed to be sleeping. Freaking 5:30am already, Well. It's good for study anyway I guess.

Crap, I actually stay up till 7am just like my senior. All because I am taking notes and screenshot watching the movie. But not at bad terms, I get to enjoy my favorite film but also doing work on it.

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