27th August 2020, Thursday

81 2 1

How's today?
Can't tell it's good or bad

Today's Events

Weird, I haven't have any dreams lately. For recent few times I fell asleep at home doesn't dream of anything. It just pitch black for seconds then wake up in the morning, Is it because my sleep deprivation gone to the point critical? No, there's no such thing could happen. I'm just overthinking.

The stuff I suppose to bring it to school is not much but still make my bag looks tanky. Only the part matters it's the weight. For today's Chinese, Science isn't much interesting to talk about. Except just correcting Exam papers. Man, I wonder what My Science teacher is working on in ROBLOX Studio. Few chapters ago, I mentioned she installed ROBLOX and Coding app on her laptop. It's obvious to caught my eye in the her desktop when she starting to project screen of Science exam answers.

It's not necessary to ask but I am just curious. Does she do ROBLOX coding for fun? I mean ROBLOX uses their combined coding language which is "C++" with "Lua" if I'm not wrong. Back then I just call it "Lua-C". She did said that she doesn't really play those ROBLOX game. I mean she's a Teacher not a gamer but still coding is still something for her to be developer. A hobby?

Although checking on my "crush"  isn't my job or interests but it's simple to notice what she's doing. It's harder to tell if she is either really smiling or faking her smile when talking to other people. She smiled the most when she's talking to one of my male friend. I mean they both looks fitting for as a couple. Probably because this friend of my doesn't watch much about anime/manga and heard he mostly do sports and fine in other subjects grade. It just his English is not good, I don't know why. I also help teaching or helping him in English sometime it just the way I teach is not good enough. Probably but it's a effort to help those friends and him. It's kind of embarrassing when people surrounded me and asking for "What's this meaning?" Or "How do I start write this?" Just because I'm only good in English. Well probably I am now being open-minded or something.

Maybe I should stop referring "J." As my Crush. Because we haven't develop much relationship together. And I'm not aiming to get a girlfriend. Well, I just assume I'm way out of my league to be close to her. I probably should refer her as "J." In future chapters.

As time passes, I am getting more sleepy overtime and couldn't focus what Math teacher is saying. After recess class. It's almost the same, J. just... doesn't talk with others. Oh because she brought herself a Story book or Novel. The cover is probably Story about a Boy but I don't know what's the title of the book. But she just looking forward to read it. Maybe it's a illustration book to inspire her to draw? That's right, at the last 1-2 hour of the school day she just draws on her own while others in the class including me are taking a nap because Malay and English teacher allows the entire class to nap. Damn, I wasn't even realizing I was napping with the rest of them. No wonder it's so quiet and not enough to wake me up. My foot and right hand felt numb already. Aaaaaaaaaa-

Who the hell put a timer on my watch? It just vibrates silently to wake me up. Forgot to mention, I was talking with J.'s friends and other Otaku after recess time. They were talking about smart watches and not sure what to buy or talk which one is good or what feature it has. Probably lasted for around 10 minutes or longer. Which that i also lent them to test use my smart watch i have. I don't wanna mention what Smart watch is because I prefer keep my identity low on internet here. So that's why I use codename instead of Real name. What if one of our classmate or someone from this school knows it and expose me?

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