18th August 2020, Tuesday

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How's today?
Just fine.

Today's events

As usual, Wake up at around 6 AM. Mom prepared cupcake as Breakfast since she's been doing some bakery for practice. I smuggled my Phone in my bag so I can actually write this whenever to.

Because of my sleep deprivation, I feel heavy as a Rock. But thanks to exam day, I only have to bring what is needed for the exam (Even though I don't revision with it much). When I am heading out, The fog is thick as heck. What is this, Silent Hill the horror game? It's very cold, because of that. The School Uniform is not completely dry yet. So I am going to school like it's raining. For some reason, I even took a Cold-Mint candy. I mean sure it can help keep me awake (Could drink coffee as breakfast) but that just makes me colder as ever. couldn't get worse.

Surprisingly, There's are only a few student attend in my class. Oh right, There's no exam subject for our class today. Only tomorrow, Because We are separated into different subclasses. There are:
• Class Economy
• Class Advanced Mathematic
• Class Geography
• Class Arts (which is most of us choose)
Every subclass except Art classes have requirement for some subject you need to pass. For example, If you want Economy + Geography class. You will need minimum for Mathematics Grade D or higher and Geography Grade C or higher. Well, For me I have no choices but to go art classes. I know it's rare my other subjects than english pass on E either F (Failed) from your Form 3 exam. But yeah, That's that. Anyway, that means other classes are having exam subject that we don't have.

As always, Otaku friends with Anime conversation. Charming as ever, and I will just think about stuff otherwise daydreaming by the window and watch- Oh, It's sure is very foggy. Can't see the School field and the forest. But they eventually go away by the time it reach Noon. At least Theres nothing but breeze cold wind acting as World Natural air conditioner blowing through my face. I questioned myself, When I will actually make this Entry Point Romance Story series. Well, If i want to do there. I need to prepare all the good plots,ideas, basic construction, character development all that. Of course, You don't start out too fast or too big. Write the novel of it first. Then illustration and finally Animation. It sure sounds easy to say it but there's alot of processing and time use for it. I'm not currently working on it but got plenty few creative idea for a Romance Comedy story. Not to mention, if you wanna monetize animation make sure it's original and no copyrighted soundtrack. A good non-copyrighted soundtrack can be hard to find for animation video. That's too much to think, I'll just think about what to play & do in Games. Come to think of it, I havent make any fine video on my channel. So I think I'll just pick one challenge from Community or just Idea from my notebook. Because of my new game "Grand Theft Auto: V" I got caught into bigger interests than Entry Point. That makes me play ROBLOX less but that's doesn't mean I dislike Entry Point or quitting it. It just I wanna play that rather than others. That's all. Hmm, I think I'll just take a photo meanwhile I am writing this at my school. I'mma check on others stuff since Teacher is not teaching us because most of the subjects day are passed, there's not many or enough students so I will expect this will be boring day except talking to Classmates for hours but as a Introvert i will try communicate with others as much as I can because I am not good at socializing. I usually ended up topic and conversation end faster. Oh, Those Otaku and others are talking about Guns from PUBG. Okay, seems normal. Chinese are following popular franchises game and I am uh, Bit out of date Since I only play games like GTA V, Need For Speed Series game, ROBLOX and others. I'll write more later.

Oh man, Math teacher gave us complicated Mathematics question for us That might add score to the test. But to most of them It's a piece of cake (I guess?) To me, It's kind of hard and i was also sleepy head. Afterwards, Everyone go recess. I usually buy Maggie Goreng (Fast Noddles) add-on with Fried Egg or Chicken Nugget. Although their food quality may not be the best but it's still good in price. Still enjoyable to eat, But If I'm feeling good today. I would add Both egg and nugget. I always check my Pocket money If I wanna spend extra to enjoy the meal myself at my Classroom. Oh yeah, Forgot to mention due to Covid-19. Most of us will have meals inside our own classmates. Also our desk and seats are separated like Chess Table. Funny enough it's the same layout as Exam which everyone qurantine their seat to prevent Sharing Exam answers. I came over back to this seat and noticed the fogs are gone. Which is good. During recess class, There's students on my class and other from other classes doing Arm Wrestling with jokes/satires. I can't put into details because sometime I forget quickly or something I can't translate Chinese humors into English. The only thing i realized the most is One of my known student is Otaku but also somewhat a Bodybuilder. He won most of the arm wrestling. Which is cool, then those otaku start talking about exercise like Triceps and Basic Training Guide. Most importantly, start out with basic training. Since it's personal hobby so there's no time limit or rush to train yourself. For me, I'll stick with Biking/Running.

At the time there's teacher not teaching anything since there's not enough student on teach. I joined (Otakus's) their conversation smoothly. Just let you know, People said I'm one of the people who is good in English since English is rarely used in Malaysia I think that's why. So this friend who is a Body builder and also a Otaku asked me to teach him English sentences and grammar because I was using the English storybook as a disguise of my Phone. So anyway, I mean why not. Since I always wanted to do something meaningful: Teaching Other. Although, I mentioned and told him My translation from English to  Chinese may not be good along with my teaching skills but he doesn't mind as long as it's possible to teach him.

I will just skip those unnecessary details that happened in Class. After school, my dad was little bit mad because I brought my smartphone into School which you shouldn't. But I really never have intentions and I only use them when Teacher is not teaching anything and I use it for writing diary. I do have games like COD:M, Minecraft, Real Racing 3... But I barely play them. Because of updates and this old smartphone doesn't have stable battery capacity so I'mma save the power for doing something instead.

If I really want Monetization & Revenue i should really make a good Entry Point video right away. The game I mostly play right now is "Grand Theft Auto: V" I don't live stream it because I dislike stream sniper, OBS cause frames rate drops and crashes alot.

Sometime I let my brother plays GTA V on my laptop, He just really likes cars. Classic, Retro, Muscle, Japanese Tuners, Exotics and almost everything as fan of car that's why he starts using the money I earned in GTA Online from millions into grands. But If I allows it, His car taste is literally opposite of mine. He calls the car I own in-game just weird mods and designs. Such as Wheels, Bumper and Spoilers. The reason he knows about GTA V is that he sometime plays GTA V in my cousin's house which he owns GTA V and plays it on "Playstation 4 Console". That was way before I own & start playing this on my laptop. Thanks to one of my friend, Called Husky gifted me this game account on Epic Games. He spend the money In-game on few cars that it's even not needed or good. We pull up all nighter past midnight just for playing with In-game cars. He didn't bother to join "Arena War", "Races" with other players. Just freeroam with the car also police chases. Well, I do play them like Need For Speed: Most Wanted/Carbon. I couldn't stay awake. My eyes are closing itself. I am so tired that I could feel I am dying. I have to stand by his side because I have to supervise that he don't spend my other millions of dollars in-game on other cars. Well we put to end and went to sleep.

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