27th July 2023

10 1 0

You know mobile phone's performance deteriorate overtime. Battery one stands out the most and is very dependent how you use your phone. 

For example, You charge the phone only when very low power or left overcharged when it's already at 100%. These actions may affect your battery health, although Apple (company) developed a feature to slow down or control the charging rate for your phone and adapt to your lifestyle charging cycle. That's what I heard at least.

This was an absurd reason because not only performance deteriorate overtime, It also freaking made my phone buggy as hell. It's reasonable because it's an "iPhone 7" that been purchased since it's release date. I should thank it because it got 128gb storage and small enough to carry I guess.

What was I about to write? 

Oh right. I am going to have appointment with college tomorrow. 

Hope they actually accept me so I actually have a college to go & study, because ever since I ended secondary school I haven't done much in my life. Except before exam retake, I have 3 month of part-time job supplier in a candy store.

Still figuring out what my actual interests is, Or maybe I already know it just I didn't realizes it. Should I take "Digital Animation"? or "Information Technology" subject? Or something that balances out my employment & interests.

If I do study in college, this means I'll study a place far away from my home. I will have to rent an Apartment, Find a friend. Well, I have some online friends in Singapore and KL City as well. Figure what clothing to take, My laptop, My luggage... This mean I won't be able to play my Playstation 5 anymore that I purchased for my Dad and the family. Well, I'm the one who plays most of the time. and not touch it for the next few years because I done alot of real progress to saviour the gameplay. something something like that. It's reasonable because it's also what others does as well. If you can let go, You can see the world outside more. It's a sacrifice.

Well. I know If I do get accepted, They intake time will be somewhere in another year or month.

Anyway, I'll go have lunch now.

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