9 October 2023 - NMH assignment...

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Today's wasn't a good start of the day, Well. Welcome back to the city I suppose.

I got home by 9pm yesterday, All housemates are in their room. They assumed I'm still not home despite I make much attention on this morning in my room. I woke up by the time they are already out to college to attend class. And I arrive 1 hour late. So when I arrive by the class. My housemate is quite suprised I returned.

Well, that doesn't mean it's good because I already missed half of the class information and introduced with a new heavier assignment to work on to dump stress load with other assignments. And I still cannot get over and not used to the programs and settings I have to reinistate on my laptop. My steam workshop files and login credientials before I can actually properly play unlike before. So I like, playing like a new player with knowledge of old player. At least WMMT arcade wasn't affected so It doens't annoy me much but it does impact my effectiveness and time I have to setup on programs i frequently use before I get use to the new settings. But hey at least my computer runs faster now.

Also there seems to dust-like particles stuck on my CPU fan, running an average 90 celsius, which is not supposed be good. I have to manually up my CPU's fan rpm to cool it down more effectively. Argh, At least life isn't all boring and pointless lol. I suppose this will kick me to do more stuff and move faster as I go on.

Right now I got back old bookmarks and new settings on my OperaGX browser, reinstall Genshin Impact and games on laptop, but at least games on HDD were unaffected but some of my games without steam cloud have lost save progress and have to do over again. Well not all of them, Since my documents and downloads files is carried over. Registry and programs doesn't though- Still helped me in a way. Thanks to cloud saves and backup on hard drives. I still recover from most of the stuff I want my laptop to be like before but not entirely. Mouse settings isn't a big deal unless you are serious FPS game competietor. I'm not that. Since the old DS4 settings is lost and I forgot it. I have to ask one of my customer that setup WMMT emulator to export settings file over to me on social media.

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