4th March 2021

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Gosh, It's been months that I barely write anything here because there no reason to.

Anyway, I'm returning to school by 4th April. Which is 2 day before my Birthday at the same time afterward I only have 1 week before my exam. But seriously, They keep giving me Cake and fried chickens on my birthday. It's kinda annoying, why don't let my birthday pass like normal day that I could play my laptop and probably go exercise. Whatever...

I also have 2 plan on writing story. One is short film & one is Long story novel that is related to Entry Point. Probably just better and longer version of "Reflex Training" i wrote. Yes, I have these papers of ideas and notes for the future story that imma write, and sums & collected even more idea wrote in a Draft.

Short Story Film Idea
About the short film, imma say it short. It's about a couple. Their race is a "Flower-bug", infested with humanoid & flowers. In the beginning, this couple were meant to stay together forever. Their population is pretty low, they use a High-Tech teleporter in their base travels between planets & planets. Recalled that they'll be forever & ever. She saw aurora in the sky. One day, she woke up. On a field of grass with some flowers in the night surrounded by some mountains. She looked around, she were the only one there. Realized she is all alone, she slept and wake again. It's still night.
But, "I'm don't feel lonely because I'm not alone". She talks with the male Protagonist about she have a dream that she watched beautiful aurora appeared in the sky watching the aurora. Her boyfriend said: "Huh? with who?". "Haha, who else?" She replied.

The girl said: "Me. and 🔳🔳🔳" her boyfriend asked again: "You and?" "Just as I said, me & 🔳🔳🔳"
Her boyfriend doesn't get who she is talking about. The girl keep repeats the name 🔳🔳🔳, 🔳🔳🔳, 🔳🔳🔳.

She is talking about her 🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳🔳 which his name is 🔳🔳🔳....
And a sudden. She is alone again, she realized she was talking to nobody. The girl woke up from the dream. Is shocked & crying. Her boyfriend who sits beside her asked: "What's wrong? You had a bad dream. You was rolling and tugging around" The boyfriend hugged her.
"You dreamed you were all alone?" "Yes." "You stupid, Lillie."
"You've always been alone" Her boyfriend disappeared.

Lillie, is crying in tears. Covering her face with both hands. "It happened a few years ago.. There was a war between Crimson Lilly and Magenta Rose. He lied that we'll die together because we cannot hold their attack off any longer. He threw me into the teleporter and had me teleported. At the same time, the only way to leave no trace to enemy to prevent them to locate their headquarters is to destroy the second teleporter, So he did... When I returned, the headquarters is already being devastated, and most of their kind died. The enemy left a couple of hours ago. "I was so sad, That's why he is a imagery person to my mind." "I thought I could live and pretend he is still alive with me, but It's not working" "My memory about him is starting to disappear piece by pieces, That's why I couldn't remember his name." "I am actually alone."

"Why this had to happen, why I am left alone."
"Why you lied" "I hate to be alone" "I'm alone"

A shadow and a pair boots appears in Lillie's vision. She stood up. Saw her boyfriend. "Lillie, thanks for remember me till this day. You really remember alot about me. Thank you." Lillie hugged him and begging: "Please, I don't want to forget you.". He replied, "But you have to." "Why?!" "Because....."

"...To live is to forget & look forward."

Lillie woke up again in the same flower field, The sun is rising from the mountain. The flower she kept on her ear from his boyfriend withered away" She stoods up. Looking toward to the path & sun ahead. "The sun is shining" "The wind is warm" "The clouds starts to float away from the sun"

"I'm... still alone" "That's why I wish of seeing you someday."

That's basically details & dialogues about short sad ROBLOX film i'm planning to make. Now would you excuse me I have to continue my english online homework and I haven't eat my breakfast yet and it's afternoon.

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