9 January 2024

68 0 0

Thanks to the alarm, I got up at somewhere 7am. My body, keep refusing to wake up and So after 30 minutes of trying to get up from bed. I did, It is certainly tiring. Went to bath have biscuits as breakfast. It doesn't fill stomach yeah.

For the morning, Me and the classmates seriously take photos together at audio lab while having fun. We were half way there but for this afternoon they have to attend class. Which I don't for today. So if there's spare time in college, I could try work on the assignment to continue it from yesterday But I am soo exhausted I feel like closing my eyes and sleeping it on desk.

I took a nap under the music lab, I was supposed to go out and eat but have to stay to safekeep the use of the music lab. As I woke up I realized I took a nap for about 50 minutes without air conditioner (because it's cold). As I woke up, I am still feeling very exhausted but have to motive myself to continue the sketch from yesterday. It is done right before I leave the premises..

Arcade is sessions is also skipped today. Knowing myself no time to be wasted, I decided to continue work porting the font illustrated on the Adobe illustrator to execute the designed font. It is not certainly easy and kind of time consuming to work on. I am only close to halfway finishing it, but knowing that even after finishing this. It's probably not enough, Because there's other assignments as as Basic Grid. Probably not two hard. But Movie Art Book and Product Photography is what lengthy one and have to be done before February. I have to utilize my times very well to work on the assignments now. But my strength of motivation is to be obsess with it. And knowing that If I can get through the first semester. I can get through the second. Even it's 2x more efforts required.

humm... Even each of these assignments need a Powerpoint presentation with speech of it prepared. Damn. Crap... It's 1am already. I should, go sleep now. And prepare the energy for the Photography class tomorrow. Because my lectueer is gonna spouse more class and want us to work on the product shooting already where we have heavier works on Typography instead.... This just gets better and better...Well, at least today I got a fully tuned ticket on one of my Wangan Navigator and still considering giving it to my friend Patrick even share it with my friends about it. But It is certainly a bliss but that last short because this stress and amount of assignment is overwhemling as hell.

I am too fed up with the current situations right now, Need to get good sleep. and Push myself to work on it. This feels like a funny trial to me lol....

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