21 September 2023

10 0 0

This dream has happened before, and this time I'll make it.

I can't remember all the details so I will put it short.

I am sitting in a car, outside looks like my hometown. We are heading to a pretty low life living area. Not sure why but I am heading there with serious face on.

When I was there, the place looks like abandoned clinic on roof top with social gatherings. All the people there are face I recognized from my brain. By abandoned I mean some doors are missing. Almost no furniture. The walls are probably decayed paint, and by old design we have a village & city infused design. Those are near 10 floors building brick's buildings in early 20s but most rooftop are just bad metal plates roof. Yet somehow sturdy.

The rooftop have 2 rooms. Probably more, But I only get to explore the edges outside and a room with toilet in it. It is still relatively big, And alot of people. Out of sudden, people are looking for my faces. Everyone there was fine until they got words from someone at the stairs that I need to be hunted down, As if I get caught I will die or tortured, I must escape. Since this is roof top I can't go anywhere much but through the stairs. More than 20 people are looking for me and I try to blend around as stranger by removing buttons of my outer wear and make it look like Hoodie and avoid eye contact. I also have to throw away my glasses too. I hid in bathroom a bit but it doesn't gonna work much. I walked around in plain sights as pretending I'm someone else and sometimes I have to hide behind doors, Until I bumped into someone, and he get a look at me. "Shit im dead". He didn't call the others, instead this guy who is shorter than me offered me help to escape. His plan was parkour from the roof to roof. Looks super risky but I'll have to do. For the first time I actually felt weight and gravity in the dream. Where I can actually feel like I can fall and break my legs. I followed leap by leap after him. As we get lower with 5th floor jumping from buildings to buildings. He used sort of lighting magic and charged the antennas of the roof we standing of. Not sure why but I felt harmless from it, We can't get lower jumps from this building. So we have to get down to the ground by ledge grabbing. When he is the first to attempt ledge grab to get down, he slipped. And fell. He suffered fractures but still alive. I quickly get down next ledge grab and with no injury I lifted him and on my back and quickly run away on the ground. "You are gonna be alrighf." I panicked said. Seeking for help, this town looks very deserted and only thing I can get help is approaching the main big road outside this town. Anyone here driving vehicles must be dangerous and looking from me. A car is heading down to the main road and I have to sneak behind cover to avoid it. I cant tell who is it but let alone the headlights are terrifying enough if it discovered me. A motorcycle rushed down from it too. They have faces of teachers I used to meet back in primary school, funny that they are the bad people in my dream. I have to keep going to another side of the main road. I met some normal people at the bus stop who have their own cars, As I approach them. The adult girls who were talking and having conversations noticed us and know what's going on and says "you need help". And they get in the car and offered me ride to Hospital. Although they have much more doll looking faces but they are nice people. The boy who I lifted feels more like a baby and he is actually light to carry, in which I just realized. That's where the dreams ends.

Im pretty sure this is not the first time I am getting hunted, So my instinct knows that I should run if anyone get words about me. My dreams is always happens like a dark story with multiple endings and episodes. I woke up and thought what would happen to the dream me on the next occurrence?

Today's Events
Almost forgot this buddy who was the couple in arcade I usually go there is actually working next to where I live as a helper of Auto-shop. He works here everyday and close at 8pm. He drives himself a car and live quite a distance, he says his tolls and gas fee is probably manageable. Anyway, He doesn't even look quite old and tall as an adult to drive and work by himself. Should I be impressed or concerned?. Either way, We can meet each other like this feels kinda nice, Oh it's getting darker. I need to get to a restaurant then eat before playing at arcade, Definitely outside arcade because economical.

This couple man right here, already a criminal to me. Yeah he sort of kinda suck in Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune game. But I won't bad mouth him, I tried to make him go with easier runs and tips and he still somehow lose some of the match even his girlfriend. I like he respect about the advices of the game I gave him and my skills in this game. About why I said he is a criminal (not literally). Is that I requested him to take me back to my suite and he find with it. He is pretty fine with it, but when he get into his own cars. Oh boy, He drive pretty dangerous in real life. Not just 1 minute when we get into his sedan, He got pretty loud changed exhaust/muffler. I don't know what he done or change under the hood. But he keep pushing gas hard even as short distance, I got scared that he gain speed so much. Realistically speaking that kinda hurts the lifespan of the car's components and the gas usage, He got stuck at toll gate under the parking lot a few times because his balance card can't get through and have to use his girlfriend's card for it. Now I mentioned, His girlfriend seems like used to it. Jesus, This boy is 18. Have such dangerous driving style with his car and already have girlfriend. I'm not impressed, I'm just worried how his life will turn out in the future.

I tried to hold my mouth not to say the awareness of safety. But we still sorta brother mouthed goodbye as he fully gas off when he dropped me off. I just hope he be responsible and behave the safety of driving. Talked to my parents about it and their advice is don't board his ride too much..

On my way, I met this pregnant cat. Her face looks so sad. I keep petting it and after 2 minute I noticed the sign of hunger. I went to the mini market and bought small pack of one. and when I come back to the lot. The cat is being fed by a man, I approached and greeted him and then we have conversation about our life like Job or studying and eventually mentioned there's an old lady who have exprieince of taking care of cats mentioned this cat is Pregnant. Afterwards, Realizing it's late we went back to our own suite.

I should also report and share more events here to my parents as well. Life is pretty smooth,  knowing well there will be obstacles and problems to meet in non distant future.

Everytime I see a teenage girl with black short sleeves top and White colored baggy pants it just reminds of the girl I usually mentioned that lives as housemate. Because that's her signature outfit style, Whatever.

And now, time to play GTA:Online and research more about WMMT cars and stuff.

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