16 October 2023

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Yusaku Kamekura, Japanese graphic designer
Lance Wyman, American graphic designer. Lecturer says he have 15 minute talk podcast about the graphic designs
Otl Aicher... Doyle Dane Bernbach, Advertising company
George lois, American art director.... 
Milton Glaser, he is famous on designing posters and some iconic T-shirt
Wolfgang Weingart and Herb Lubalin, both utilizes and mastering typography in advertisements. 
Lou Dorfsman, "Gastrotypographicalassemblage" in 1966
Ed Fella,  He have his own unique style of TypoGraphy

Steve Jobs, Fouder of Apple. Revolutionized how people use the computer. Macintosh at 1984
Rudy VanderLans, uses the apple mac to design graphics.
April Greiman, still alive today. Embraces the modern world graphics designing by utilizing 2D and 3D spaces.

Amnesty International in 1994. The first ever website. The "World Wide Web" "WWW"

Also watch:

"How Kyle Cooper Created The Modern Movie Credits Sequence"

this youtube video helps alot

Post Modernism... emphasizes on simplicity?

I was late in the class, I think this is about history of graphic designing. Or... Modernism in Media history?

 All that final assignments stress being put on me are kinda heavy. The weight slows me down like the man who pushes boulder up the cliff but never reaches the top and it rolls down most of the time. God, my younger brother realizes I have heavy dark eye bags through facetime yesterday.

ANYWAY Here's the assignment, In groups, Look for Malaysia Traditional Art. Required to do presentation. Anyway, lectuerer's leftover information. I mean, extra lessons that is not in the class is always the most interesting one. Sadly she sometimes present to us if anyone asks and after most of the students has left the class.

Oh... How's days recently? Yep, I go to arcade and play WMMT regularly while having to keep watch on my savings. And my brother's banapass card only have 1 play left before recieving 4th color on his main Aventator. and for me less than 20 to do on FUGA. and 17 times left before Scarlet meter from BMW M4 event. But really I should really do my final assignments. With that, Since Monday is quiet for the arcade, I decided to take my leave  earlier than usual and bought food supplies.

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