28 August 2023

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Notes for the New media class

test test test, Today we learn about Typography. Before the class begins our lecturer doubts our ability with the use of adobe illustrator. In which that is for our group assignment, Digital Calendar. She taught some what the basic computer class didn't mention. Such as using the square split into grid tool, art boards panning and canvas bounds. As such, even more pen tool shortcut like using alt for sharp cornering lines. You can utilize spacing for texts vertically & horizontally.

In Typography, of course there's texts & fonts. "Geomanist" stands out the most and. Blah blah blah, But there is certain popular industries/company that applies "Futura" font into their trademark or logo. That's what made me noticed it most.

Note we learn something about Bauhaus design, Their idea is to create modern design in terms of typography and designs.(11century). Eric Gill invented Gill sans (1882-1940), it was designed font for London Undergrounds Railway in 1913. Helvetica from Max Miedinger, these are the one we are still using it in modern era. It's also worth checking out website that shows companies logo that made their trademark with these fonts. (San Serif)

"Proportional & Monospace" Monospace is the texts that shares the same width for each characters where Monospace are clustered. characters such as "i" l" t" are pushed tightly while other characters remain the same width that occupies on the text box.

Anyway, I'll be meeting my parents at my suite today. I really want to play at Tropicana mall arcade lol, but hey. I should be happy that I'll be meeting my parents after weeks.

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