I Just Really Need You Right Now

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I thought I was getting better, but clearly that wasn't the case. Getting out of bed was getting harder by the day and my appetite was almost nonexistent now. I wasn't motivated to do anything and didn't see the point in doing anything anymore. I had taken a vacation day from work which meant I was home alone while JJ was out filling paperwork at our office in Quantico. I sat back against the headboard and hugged my knees to my chest, trying to think of ways I could distract myself from how I was feeling. The only thing I could come up with was talking to JJ so I decided to call her.

"How are you doing baby?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Not good." I bit my lip as I looked around the room.

"I'm sorry honey, what's wrong?" Her voice was sympathetic and I heard her close the door to her office.

"I don't know...can you um...can you come home?" My voice shook as I tried to hold back tears.

"I don't think I can baby."

"Please Jayje. Please."

"Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"No, I don't know I just really need you right now."

"Ok, ok I'm coming. Can you stay on the phone with me while I drive?"

"Yeah." I put the phone on speaker and leaned my forehead against my knees while hugging them. "How was work?"

"Boring." She let out a deep breath and I heard the car start moving which meant she would be here in 15 minutes. "Mostly paperwork."


"Yeah." We sat in a comfortable silence on the phone until she said she was here and hung up. A minute after she hung up I heard the key in the door and a few seconds later she was sitting cross legged on the foot of the bed, gazing at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you feeling better?"

"I'm not sick Jayje."

"Oh." She looked confused for a second. "Then why did you take the day off?" I shrugged and rested my chin on my knees, avoiding eye contact. "Why did you need me to come?"

"Because I really needed you." My voice cracked as I tried not to cry. "I really need to talk to you and be around you. I don't feel good at all and you're the only one that can make me feel better." I confessed.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Her voice was filled with love and concern. She moved closer to me and pulled my legs down so they were flat, then she moved and sat cross legged between my legs. When I didn't answer she put her hand on my thigh and caressed it comfortingly. "What do you need from me?"

"Can you just stay here?"

"Of course. Do you need a hug or anything? Cuddles? Water?" I shook my head. "Have you eaten anything yet today baby?" I shook my head again. "If I get something for you to eat, will you eat it?" I shrugged. "Honey you have to eat."

"I don't want to do anything Jayje." I leaned forward and rested my head on her chest. She gave me head scratches and back rubs to comfort me.

"Please talk to me sweetheart. I hate to see you like this." She rubbed my back in slow circles as I played with the hem of her shirt.

"I've just been so tired."

"Well then get some rest baby, I'll stay with you."

"Not like that." I could feel her chest tighten when she realized what I meant.

"What do you want to do to get your mind off of it?"

"Nothing gets my mind off of it."

"What do you mean?"

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now