I Ship

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I lied down with my head on JJ's lap while we flew to our new case. I played with the Rubik's Cube Spence had gotten me while JJ played with my hair.

After about 5 minutes I had solved the Rubik's Cube and I put it down with a sigh, turning onto my side. JJ let out a soft laugh and put her phone down. "You ok?" I looked up at her with a pout.

"I wanna cuddle."

"Your head is on my lap."

"Please?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes and she nodded.


"Yay!" I bounced up excitedly while everyone looked at me. "Sorry." I whispered to them. JJ leaned against the arm rest of the couch and patted her chest. I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too y/n." I climbed on top of her and put my head on her chest, snuggling as close as possible to her. "Wow. You really wanted cuddles didn't you?" She asked, resuming playing with my hair.

"Yeah." I let out a content sigh and reached for her free hand. I held it and kissed it, closing my eyes.

"Jayje?" I mumbled after a couple minutes.

"What?" She rubbed my back.

"I miss you."

"I'm right here." She laughed softly. "What's with all this right now?"


"You being so cuddly."

"It helps me relax." I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps. I saw a smiling Morgan looking down at us standing next to Hotch with a smile tugging at his lips. "What?"

"I ship." Morgan said with a shrug before going back to refill his coffee.

"We're literally married." JJ said, pulling me up further so my head was buried in her neck. She put one arm around my torso while the other played with my hair. I kissed her neck softly.

"What is this ship? Like a sailboat?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah." Morgan said while laughing. I smiled into JJ's neck and she hugged me closer. "That's exactly what it is."

"You sailboat? What does that mean?"

"Figure it out yourself." Morgan said, walking back to his seat.

"How much longer till we land?" I whispered to JJ."

"2 hours." I squeezed her tightly in excitement.

"We can cuddle for 2 hours?"

"Yes honey."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now go to sleep before you drive me insane."

"Rude but valid."

"Go to sleep."

"Fine." I huffed and fell asleep within a couple minutes.

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now