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"Y/n, wake up. The plane landed." I heard JJ's soft voice as she shook me awake.

"Hm?" I hummed and lifted my head off of her shoulder but tightening my grip on her arm.

"The plane landed, let's go home now honey." She put her hand under my shoulder and tried to help me stand up.


"You can sleep in the car honey but we need to get off the plane." She helped me stabilize as I walked out of our little area. I stumbled a little bit as I almost drifted off to sleep while I was walking. "Woah, take a minute." She put her hand on my back as I leaned against a table. "Are you ok?"

"Tired." I mumbled.

"Ok, I'll pick you up." She picked me up bridal style and carried me off of the plane.

"" I whispered, lifting my head up after she set me back down.

"What is it baby? I know you're tired." She put her hand on the side of my face and I leaned into it, almost falling asleep again until she slightly patted it. "Just stay awake for a couple more minutes."


"You want a hug?" I nodded slightly and closed my eyes after she wrapped her arms around me. I jumped and wrapped my legs around her waist and fell asleep again.

I woke up alone in bed and cold. Not a good combination. "Jayje!" I called out.


"Come here." I sat up and leaned back against the headboard.

"I'm here." She leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms. "What do you need?" I held my arms out and made grabby hands. "Hugs, snuggles?"

"All of them." I pouted. She smiled and walked over to me before straddling my legs and putting her arms around me. My head rested on her shoulder and then she fell over on her side so that she was holding me against her. I hummed against her chest and clutched the front of her shirt.

"Careful honey, don't wrinkle it."

"But I love you. Hold me closer." I whined, moving as close to her as possible.

"You're a clingy annoying ass you know that right." She said while laughing.

"I'm your clinging annoying ass."

"Yes, you are." She started stroking my hair and I kissed against her bare chest since she was wearing a low cut tank top.

After around an hour of her holding me tightly against her she tried to get up. "No." I mumbled.

"Honey, I need to get up."

"To do what?"

"To get on with my day." I groaned as she slipped away from me and then I pulled the covers up over my head, trying my best to fall asleep without her.

Three hours later she walked back into the room and sat down next to me, pulling the covers down off of my head. "Come on honey, let's go to lunch." I grunted and looked up at her. "What?" I pouted my lips and she smoothed my hair out of my face. "Hm?" I just continued to pout. "I'm not going to be able to help you if you just stare at me honey." She put her hand on my tummy and rubbed it.

"Hug." She smiled and laughed softly.

"You're a big baby aren't you?" I smiled and nodded. She took her hand off of me and then opened her arms. "Come here." I shot up and flung myself into her arms. "Where do you want to go to lunch?"

"I don't want to go to lunch."

"We don't have food here." I groaned and nuzzled my face into her neck. "Come on baby. Up, we gotta get moving." I shook my head and tightened my grip on her. She sighed and rubbed my back. "What's going on?"


"You're never this clingy unless something is wrong. Talk to me." She kissed my cheek and continued to rub my back.

"I'm just in need of hugs right now is that too much to ask for?" I mumbled into her neck.

"Of course not." She whispered, pressing a few soft kisses onto my face. "But why do you need them."

"Because I love your hugs." I confessed, waiting for her to answer. She didn't answer, she just adjusted her hold on me so it was tighter and then kissed my temple.

"Do you want me to order food to the house?" She whispered, stroking my hair and occasionally placing kisses on my temple. I shrugged and she pulled my head off of her shoulder.


"Hm?" I looked down at her lips and put my hands on her cheeks, tugging at the corner of her lips to make her smile.

"Y/n, can you stop for a second and look at me?" I groaned and looked up at her.

"Your smile is pretty." I whispered. She gave me a small smile and blushed.

"What's happening?"


"You seem so sad today." She put her thumbs on the corners of my lips and pulled up. I let out a small laugh and leaned forward so that our foreheads were leaning against each other. "What's wrong?" She put her arms around my waist and I nuzzled my head back into her neck.

"I'm just tired."

"You sure?" I nodded and put my arms back around her.

"Don't move." I mumbled into her neck. "I'm comfortable."

"I won't." I could hear her smile in her voice. "You're cute." I blushed and smiled against her neck. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now