I Had Another One ⚠️

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I watched as JJ interviewed the parents of our latest victim. I sat in the room with JJ but she was asking all of the questions. The parents were very classy and what I would like to call stuck up. I jumped a little when the moms head turned to me. "Are you just going to sit there like a dead fish or are you going to say something?" My mouth dropped open to say something.

"You should really get your agents under control here." I stood up and walked out of the room.

"Y/n, what happened?" Emily asked me.

"To be honest I don't really know." I felt like I was about to cry when I saw the mother still staring at me. "I'm just not...I don't know." I wiped my face off with my hands and walked away.

I sat down at my temporary desk and held my head in my hands, trying to keep my breathing steady. "Y/n, you can't just walk out like that." I heard JJ's voice and I lifted my head up.

"Can...stop talking."

"What? Are you ok?" I held my hand out and she saw that it was shaking. She grabbed it and knelt down next to me. "What's happening? Talk to me."

"I-I don't know."

"Hey, it's ok. I'm right here." She grabbed my hands and kissed them. "I'm right here."

"Is everyone looking at me?"

"No, no one's looking at you. Do you want to go somewhere more private?" I nodded and she helped me stand up while I leaned on her since my legs were shaking.

When we got to a locked conference room I slid down the wall and she sat down next to me. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know."

"Was it the parents?" She asked softly. I shrugged and unbuttoned my blouse as I got too hot and sweaty. She helped me take it off and caressed my hand. "It's ok. It's ok, I'm right here." I squeezed her hand tightly and then pulled her into a tight hug. "You're ok. You're safe, it's just me. I'm right here with you."

I steadied my breathing and then pulled away from her. "Are you ok now? Do you need anything? Some water? Another hug?"

"No, I'm fine...just-"

"Don't put you around the parents." I nodded. "I understand...does she remind you of your mom?"

"Yeah." I wiped the sweat off of myself and put my blouse back on.

"Are you sure you're ok? Do you need to take a minute? I can stay here with you if you need."

"Yeah, can you stay with me for a minute?"

"Of course honey." She helped me stand up and put her hand on my back. She felt her phone vibrate and took it out. "I'm so sorry, I have to go. Are you gonna be ok by yourself?" I shook my head. "I'm gonna be back soon."

"JJ please-"

"I'm really sorry honey, I'll be back, ok?" She opened the door and ran down the hall. Emily saw me standing in the room with a tear stained face.

"Y/n, are you ok?" She asked.

"Can I go back to the hotel?"

"Yeah, I'll drive you." I nodded and we sat in silence the whole way there.

She walked me up to my room. "Do you need someone to stay with you? I can call JJ-"

"Just please go away." She frowned and nodded. I shut the door and walked to the bed, sitting against the foot of it as I started to shake again.

"Y/n?" I heard JJ's voice twenty minutes later after the door opened. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" She knelt down in front of me and pulled me in for one of her bear hugs.

"I had another one." I whimpered.

"It's ok." She rubbed my back and kissed my cheek repeatedly. "You're ok, I got you."

When I pulled away I looked at her with sad eyes. "How did you know I was here?"

"Em told me...I'm sorry I had to leave-"

"Can you stay with me now?"

"Yes. I'm staying here with you the rest of the day." She sat down next to me and put her palm on her thigh face up so I could hold her hand. I did and relaxed as I felt her thumb gently caress my hand. "Do you know why you're feeling this way?" I shook my head. "I really hate seeing you like this." She squeezed my hand. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, ok?" I nodded and we just sat there for a while.

Thirty minutes later I rested my head on her shoulder. "You feeling a bit better?"

"A little bit."

"Good." She kissed my forehead and rested her chin on my head. "Em wanted me to tell you you can take tomorrow off too."

"I don't need to."

"Ok, that's good to hear." I laughed softly and squeezed her hand. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"What do you wanna do the rest of the night?" I looked up and smiled. "I know the look. Come here." She opened her arms and I hugged her. She picked me up and then she fell onto the bed.

"I love you."

"Hm. I love you more." I shook my head. "Yeah."

"No." She nodded.

"Mhm. I do." I nuzzled my nose into her neck. "You're adorable."

"You're just now realizing?"

"No. But seriously honey, I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

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