Staring At Me ⚠️

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I sat in between JJ's legs on the floor while the team and I watched a movie. She offered me some of her Cheetos and I gladly took them. I felt Penelope staring at me so I turned to look at her. "What?" I whispered.

"Did anyone see that?" She put her hand on her chest and everyone turned to look at her.

"What?" Prentiss asked, looking worried.

"JJ gave y/n her Cheetos. She never shares her Cheetos."

"She's my wife." JJ said, leaning forward and draping her arms over my shoulders and hugging me. I smiled softly to myself and played with my fingers.

"But...I've never...I've wanted've never shared." Penelope protested as she struggled to form words. JJ shrugged and kissed the top of my head.

"Can I have some Cheetos?" Morgan asked.

"Hell no." JJ said. Everyone laughed and I blushed. "Can we just watch the movie?" JJ said. "That's what we're all here for." Everyone nodded in agreement and the movie unpaused. "You ok sweetheart?" She asked quietly. I nodded and continued playing with my fingers. "I wanna cuddle." I nodded and stood up, lying down in front of her on the couch so she could spoon me. I felt Penelope staring at me again and I shifted uncomfortably. "You wanna move?"

"No, I'm fine." I squeezed JJ's hand and felt my chest untighten when Pen looked away.

"They're so cute." Pen blurted out. Everyone looked at us and I laughed softly. JJ's grip on me tightened and my breath hitched. I patted JJ's hand and stood up.

"Bathroom." I explained breathlessly as I got up to go. I stayed in there and tried to calm myself down for a few minutes before coming back out. JJ smiled and opened her arms excitedly, wanting to cuddle again. I sat down by her legs and she pouted before sitting up.

"You sure you're ok?" She kissed my cheek and I looked at Pen as I felt her gaze on my again. I dropped my eyes to my hands and started playing with my fingers. She moved my hair behind my shoulders and kissed my cheek again. "Sweetheart?"

"I need a minute." I mumbled, getting up and walking to our bedroom.

30 seconds later I heard a knock on the door and I opened it hesitantly. I saw that it was JJ and let her in. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and sat down on the foot of the bed. My hands started to shake and I started to get dizzy.

"Shit." I mumbled, realizing I was having a panic attack.

"What?" I lied down on my back and took deep breaths while I put my hand over my chest. She grabbed my free trembling hand and kissed it before rubbing my arm. My breath hitched and I let out soft whines a couple of times before I eventually calmed down. "What happened baby?" She rubbed my back once I sat back up. "Was them all being here too much?" I shook my head.

"They just kept looking at us." I mumbled with my head in my hands. "It was making me uncomfortable."

"Are you ok though now?" I shrugged and she put her arm over my shoulders. "Do you want them to leave?"

"No." I shook my head. "Every time we cuddle Pen just...she always points it out and then everyone stares and I sometimes I just really want to be cuddled and show physical affection but I don't want people to stare at us all the time, you know? I know it doesn't make them uncomfortable, it's not like we're making out and we've talked to them about it-" She cut my off with a kiss and I stared down at my hands.

"It's ok. I'll talk to Pen about it." I nodded. "Wanna go back out?" I shook my head. "Ok...are you going to be ok in here by yourself?" I shrugged after a few seconds and she sighed. "Come on, we're gonna go out." She gave me a look and I knew I couldn't protest. She sat down on the couch, leaning on the armrest. I sat down at her feet and was relieved to see that no one was looking at me. "Y/n?" JJ pouted, patting her stomach. I looked to Pen who was completely focused on the movie. I lied my head down on JJ's stomach and she started to play with my hair. It calmed me down a lot even though Pen and Morgan were looking at us. I curled my knees up to my chest and JJ rubbed my side with her other hand.

I lifted my head up off her stomach so I could rest it on her chest. She laughed softly and put her arms around me. "You ok?" JJ asked for the millionth time.

"I think so." She hugged me tighter and let out a happy sigh.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now