Movie, Cuddles, and Cheetos ⚠️

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⚠️ ABUSE ⚠️

I dialed JJ's number through tears. She was out at a bar with Derek, Garcia, Luke and Em, but I knew she would pick up. "Hey honey."

"Hi." I choked out.

"Are you ok?" I could hear the worry in her voice.

"I thought you would be three drinks in by now."

"I'm the designated driver."

"Oh. Makes sense." I wiped the tears off of my face. I heard the noise in the background face out.

"Seriously y/n, are you ok?"

"Can you come home?" My voice cracked.

"I...ok yeah, yeah of course. Let me let them know, ok? I'll be home in fifteen minutes." I hung up and held my head in my hands.

Fifteen minutes later she walked into the bedroom. "What's wrong?" She walked over to me carefully. "Baby?" I handed her my phone. "What is it?" She opened it and it opened to the text messages. "Our messages?"

"No." I whispered.

"Hey, whatever it is, it's ok. Can you show me?" She sat down next to me and handed me the phone, grabbing my free hand. I backed out of our messages and then went to the recent messages from an unknown number. "Honey...honey he can't touch you."

"He got out of prison today." She tilted her head and gave me a sympathetic look.

"I thought...I thought that after 4 years and 73 days I would've gotten over it and I wouldn't be scared anymore."

"It's ok to be scared-"

"No it's not. Because I can't deal with this by myself and I ruined your night out because I couldn't deal with it-"

"Hey, no. You didn't ruin my night out." She squeezed my hand.

"It still hurts sometimes."

"What does?"

"The scar. Sometimes when I think about it...I feel it." I lifted my shirt up to reveal the 7 inch long scar I had gotten from my ex cutting me with a blade. She put her hand over it to caress it, and then leaned down to kiss it. "What if he comes for me Jayje?" She shook her head.

"Then he's got the whole FBI coming down on him." She rubbed my back. "It's gonna be ok." She looked down at my hands and saw that I was pinching my wrists. "Honey, don't do that." She pulled my hand away from each other and kissed each one of them before putting my arms around her neck. "You know what I think?"


"I think a movie, and cuddles, and Cheetos would make everything a whole lot better." My stomach turned.

"But what if he comes and we're caught off guard."

"I'll be back in one minute." She left the room and I heard her pushing something against the front door and I heard all the windows shut and click, meaning they were locked. "There. There's no way anyone's getting in without us knowing about it. And our guns are in the room with us, ok?" I nodded and she kissed my forehead before reaching into her nightstand to grab some Cheetos. I wrapped her into a tight hug and she was caught off guard, but she put the Cheetos down and hugged me back, knowing I really needed it.

"What if-"

"You're going to kill yourself with the what if's honey." She rubbed my back. "You're safe. I will do everything in my power to make sure of that and I know the rest of the team will too."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for that." I let go of her and she put her hand on the side of my face, staring at me with adoring eyes. "Cuddles and Cheeto time?" I nodded eagerly and cracked a smile. She kissed me and grabbed the Cheeto bag back again before leaning against the headboard. I situated myself between her legs and rested my head back on her chest. "What movie do you wanna watch?"

"I wanna watch Gilmore Girls. We can binge watch it. I know I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight."

"Ok." She put the Cheeto bag in my lap so we could both reach it. She turned on the show and we started eating.

"You can have the rest." I told her after I ate about twenty.

"You sure?" I nodded and turned around in her arms so I could hold her. "Do you not wanna watch the show anymore?"

"I do, but I just wanted to hug you for a second."

"Cute." She said through a mouthful of Cheetos.

"That's me." She cleaned off her fingers and then put her arms around me, squeezing me tight.

"I want to kiss you but I have Cheeto lips."

"Yeah, please don't get Cheeto dust on my face." She laughed and lifted me up so I was straddling her legs and then put my arms around her neck.

"That's better."

"Who's the clingy one now?"

"Me, and I'm not ashamed of it." I laughed and buried my face into her neck. She rubbed my back and rested her chin on my shoulder. "I love you so much. You're safe here with me, I promise."

"I love you too Jayje."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now