You're Having A Panic Attack ⚠️

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I leaned back in my chair on the jet as we headed back to Quantico. "Anyone wanna play Poker?" Morgan asked across from me.

"No." I replied.

"I will." JJ said from next to me.

"Win us some money babe."

"I will."

I fell asleep within a couple minutes.

I woke up when I felt someone's hands on the side of my face. I flinched and my eyes shot open. I pushed JJ off of me, fight or flight instincts kicking in. I didn't even register what happened until I saw JJ and Morgan looking at me with shocked faces. "I'm so sorry." I whispered to JJ. "Oh my God are you ok? Did I hit you?"

"No, it's ok. I'm fine." I nodded and leaned back in my chair. JJ reached out to touch my hand but I flinched, pulling my hand away.

"Are you ok?" She asked me.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't know what's wrong with me." I held my head in my hands and leaned forward.

"Ok, don't stress about it." JJ told me softly.

"Y/n?" I heard Morgan's voice.

"I got this Morgan." JJ told him. He nodded and walked over to sit next to Reid, giving JJ and I some privacy. "What's wrong? Why are you so jumpy?"

"I don't know." I breathed out. "Just don't touch me I guess."

"Can you breathe?"

"Kind of."

"What do you mean kind of?"

"Like...I can breathe but my chest is tight and when I think about it it's hard."

"Are you lightheaded?" I nodded. "Is your throat dry?" I nodded again.

"Do you know what's happening?"

"I think you're having a panic attack."

"What?" My brows furrowed.

"It's ok, I'm right here."

"I know you're right here."

"Can I hold your hands?" She asked once she saw that they were shaking.

"Can we go to the bathroom? People are staring at me."

"No one's staring at you honey-"

"Please." She nodded once she saw the look in my eyes and we walked to the bathroom. I slid down the door and she knelt down in front of me.

"Did something happen?" She asked me.

"No." I ran my hands through my hair and took deep breaths.

"I'm going to go get some water for you."

"Don't leave-" I whispered, but she didn't hear me and left. After a few seconds I locked the door, not wanting her to see me like this. This had never happened before.

"Hey honey, open the door." She said from the other side.



"I don't want you seeing me like this."

"I just want to help you."

"Just please go away. I want to be alone."

"Ok. Ok, but if you're not out in ten minutes
I'm coming back and you're letting me in." I didn't answer, just sat by myself for about ten minutes until I got up and went to go sit back down next to her. "Hey." She greeted me with a wide smile and tired eyes. It had been a long day for everyone.


"You ok?" She put her arm around me and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I think so."

"I have your favorite hoodie." She reached to the seat next to her and handed me her Quantico hoodie. I pulled it on over myself and lifted up the armrest so I could cuddle up next to her. She grabbed my hand rubbed her thumb across it comfortingly, kissing my temple. "Do you know what happened?"


"That doesn't just happen for no reason."

"I know." She sighed and reached up to play with my hair. "Are we almost landed?"

"Another hour."

"I'm going to sleep."

"Good idea. Me too." She rested her head on top of my head and closed her eyes, falling asleep against each other comfortably.

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