You're Always Tired

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I curled up on the couch and pouted as JJ did her workout routine in front of the tv. "What?" She asked as she looked at me.

"I'm tired."

"Honey, you're always tired."

"It's not my fault you can run on five hours of sleep. I need a good ten hours. And I have to wake up on your schedule." She sighed and stood up.

"Well...what do you want me to do about that?"

"You owe me cuddles. Everyday. For an hour." I decided.

"Seriously?" She put her hands on her hips and raised her brows. I nodded. "I'm all sweaty right now." She said, turning her face to wipe her sweat on her shoulder.

"I don't care." She smiled and walked over to me. I sat up so she could lie down and then I draped my leg over her waist, put my arm over her stomach and rested my head on her shoulder. She draped the blanket over us and kissed the top of my head.

"You're cute when you're tired and cuddly." I blushed and smiled shyly. She poked my cheek and kissed my forehead. "You're so adorable." I smiled and relaxed against her body. "Sleepy?"

"That's why I wanna cuddle."

"You don't wanna cuddle because you're clingy?"

"But I'm a good clingy."

"Yes you are." I yawned and hugged her tighter, trying to fall asleep. She played with my hair and traced the features of my face. "Get some rest honey." She kissed the top of my head and I fell asleep

I woke up and JJ was gone. I groaned and sat up, seeing that she was making a smoothie in the kitchen. "Why'd you leave?" She still had on her sports bra and yoga pants, looking sexy as ever.

"I was hungry. I'm coming back, I promise." I lied back down and waited for her to come back. She stood in front of me and sipped her smoothie.

"You're hot." I blushed and put my hand over my mouth as I realized I said that out loud.

"No need to be embarrassed baby." She laughed and sat down by my feet. She pulled me up so I was facing her. "Kiss?" I smiled and leaned in, connecting our lips. She gripped my waist tightly and snuck her tongue into my mouth. I moaned against her lips, causing her to smile. Her tongue traveled around my mouth, exploring everywhere. I leaned into her and put my arms around her neck, smiling against her lips and only pulled away when I needed air. Our noses brushed against each other and we leaned in for another one. I straddled her and then pulled away again. She smiled and trailed her fingertips up and down my sides, giving me goosebumps. "You alright?"

"Mhm." I nodded and stared at her with a goofy smile.

"What's got you so happy?"

"You." I hugged her and smiled into her neck.

"You're cute." She put her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "You make me happy too baby."

"Can we cuddle?"

"How are you always in the mood to cuddle?"

"Cuddle with you. No one else. I like being around you and it calms me down. You make me feel better whenever I'm sad."

"Are you sad right now?" She asked softly.

"No. I just want cuddles." She smiled and lied down, pulling me on top of her.

"I love cuddling with you too baby. No one else."

"Good." I put my hand on her stomach and let out a content sigh, my whole body relaxing. "See? I'm more relaxed like this."

"I feel it." She ran her fingers up and down my back. I smiled into her neck, feeling shy. "I love you so much." She kissed my temple.

"I love you too."

"It's nice to see you completely relaxed."

"Mhm." I agreed, already feeling sleepy again.

"You're still tired?"


"Ok well...sleep well, ok? We have a long day tomorrow."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now