Smile For Me?

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I rolled my eyes as we got called in for the third meeting of the day. "Don't be grumpy." JJ warned me.

"I have to listen to it. They're all about the same things and I don't wanna hear it a million times."

"Just don't let people know that you're mad."


We sat down next to each other and I huffed. JJ glared at me. "Why are you so annoyed today?" She whispered.

"I'll tell you after they shut up." I said, referring to Erin and someone from the Pentagon.

I zoned out the whole time they talked and only stood up when JJ patted my thigh. "Finally."

"Ok, wanna tell me why you're so grumpy."

"I didn't get much sleep, I slept in so I couldn't eat breakfast, and I can't have lunch because of all these damn meetings." She closed the conference room door so no one heard me.

"Ok, do you want me to get you some food?"

"No, I'm too mad to eat, I'll just end up smushing it around with my fork." I rested my head down on the table. "I want to sleep and I don't want any more meetings. Coffee would be great but I'm already really stressed and then it'd probably end up giving me a panic attack." I groaned. "Today is a shitty day."

"I haven't seen you smile at all today." I lifted my head up when she sat back down.

"Yeah and it's not gonna happen if the days keeps going on like this." She frowned. "Don't be sad please, you're gonna make me cry and then we're both gonna be crying."

"Ok." She laughed softly. "Can you smile for me though?"


"I miss it." I gave her a small smile and then she smiled. "There's your beautiful smile." I blushed and smiled even wider. "I love you." She leaned forward and pecked my lips.

"I love you too."

"Do you feel better?"

"A little bit, yeah."

"Good." She kissed me again, making me blush and continue smiling.

"I guess you just make me happy." I kissed her again and then sighed when our phones vibrated, meaning we had a case. I leaned forward and rested my head on her chest. She played with my hair and we walked over to the couch when people walked in. I leaned back on her chest and she put her arms around me.

"You serious?" The guy from the Pentagon asked when he saw us. "Sit in a chair and get your hands off of each other."

"This is our team." Hotch told him sternly. "I understand that you're in a position of authority where you work, but I run things here and what they're doing is against no rules and is making no one uncomfortable. Continue with your presentation." I smiled and played with JJ's fingers. She rested her chin on my shoulder and pressed our cheeks together while staring at the guy from the Pentagon.

"Ok, well there are long distance killings happening in Brooklyn, all three victims have been women in their 20's, no connection between them." He told us, showing us the pictures.

"Where were they shot?" JJ asked.

"Excuse me?" Pentagon man asked.

"Where were they shot?" She repeated.

"That's not really important but if you must know, they were shot through the heart."

"Kill shot. Sounds pretty important to me." Morgan said. The whole team smiled collectively, no one liked this guy.

"Ok, so when are we leaving?" I asked.


"Tomorrow?" JJ and I asked in unison.

"Yup. 2pm sharp." He grabbed his things and started to walk out of the door. I jumped up and tried to run after him but JJ held me back.

"That fucking dipshit, people are dying and he doesn't give a flying fuck." I wriggled my way out of JJ's arms.

"Do you feel like getting fired?" She asked me before I ran out.

"No." I mumbled.

"Ok, then come back here." I rolled my eyes and walked over to her. "Don't roll your eyes at me."


"Mhm." She put her arms around my waist and everyone smirked and left. "What?" I looked up and saw she had a glint in her eye, I sighed and put my arms around her, hugging her tightly. It took her a second to hug me back, I guess she was caught off guard.

"You tired?"

"Tired of work."

"Understandable...wanna take a nap?"

"I can do that?" I looked up at her.

"I don't see why not."

"Thank you thank you thank you so much." I felt like I was about to cry. I kissed her passionately and ran to her office, curling up in a ball on her couch and closing my eyes.

"Hey, is there room for more?" A tear trickled down my face. "Why are you crying?" She asked, lying down in front of me and hugging me close to her.

"You're so nice to me. I tell you I'm tired and you let me sleep on your couch at work and you give me cuddles?"

"You deserve it and I love you, that's why." She kissed the top of my head.

"I love you so much." I put my arms around her and tangled our legs together.

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now