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"Are you ok gorgeous?" Penelope asked me when I sat down in a chair next to her. I had gotten hurt on the last case and was now I had to stay behind with Penelope.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure, you don't look fine."

"I miss JJ." She had left for a case five days ago and it was so fucking hard when she wasn't here.

"Aww. That's cute."

"It's not cute Pen. I feel like shit. I miss her so much." I rested my elbows on her desk and held my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry gorgeous. You can call her though right?"

"No, she's busy." I sighed. "I need a minute Pen, I'm sorry."

"It's ok." I walked out of her office and into JJ's office, getting her hoodie out of her desk and putting it on. It smelled like her and felt like a hug. I out the hood over my head, sitting in her chair and pulling my knees up to my chest. I sat there for a good ten minutes until I went back down to Pen's office.

When I opened the door she was on a call with someone. "Hey sorry I gotta go." She hung up quickly and I sat back down in my chair. "You got blondies hoodie."


"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"No. I think I should just wallow right now. Or you could teach me some of your hacking skills."

"That would 100% bore you."

"You're right."

"You can talk to me about the Intelligence Language Institute."

"Top of my class. Learned 5 languages. Transferred from the CIA to the FBI after a year. That's about it."

"You're feeling really down aren't you?" She looked kind of helpless. Penelope was the queen of giving people happiness and it didn't seem to be working. She got a text and smiled. "You should be getting a phone call in 3...2...1." On cue, my phone rang and I saw that it was JJ. "I'll leave you two alone." My face lit up and I answered the phone once Penelope shut the door.

"Hey honey."

"Hi." I smiled as her face appeared on the screen. She was smiling widely and it looked like she was in an elevator. "You don't know how happy I am to see your face...and hear your voice."

"Why don't you come out to the main lobby?" I furrowed my brows and stood up, walking slowly to the door. I looked back at her face on my phone and she was smiling uncontrollably. I opened the door and my jaw dropped when I saw her. I hung up the phone and ran to her, jumping into her arms. My legs were wrapped around her waist while my arms wrapped around her neck.

"Oh my God I missed you so much." I buried my face in her neck.

"I missed you too love. How's your knee been?"

"Good. It doesn't hurt anymore." She put her arms under my thighs to support me. "Why are you here?"

"I missed my girl, and I knew she needed me."

"Don't ever go without me again."

"Don't get hurt again." I kissed her shoulder. "Wanna go to my office?"

"I wanna go home."

"We can't go home honey. We still got a couple hours of work." I groaned and she started walking up to her office.

"I don't wanna work. I wanna sleep. I wanna stay with you. I wanna do anything with you. Not work. I missed you so much."

"Ok, well then stay here with me."

"What do tou have to do for work? I don't have to do anything anymore."

"I just have to fill out a few forms, that's it. I can do it later though. I just wanna be with you."


"Honey we can't go home."

"Home, please." I gripped the back of her shirt and she sighed.

"Ok, fine. Home."

When we got back home I immediately jumped back into her arms. "Did anything happen while I was gone?"


"Then why are you being so cuddly today?"

"I missed you." She lied down on her back on the couch. I was on top of her and holding her as close as I possibly could. She pulled a blanket up over us and I yawned.

"Have you slept lately?"

"I've been sleeping at the office."

"Why?" She sounded surprised.

"Too tired to drive home. And it's not the same when I'm not with you. We're always together, here and on cases. It's just different when you're not here."

"I understand." She rubbed my back.

"I'm really tired."

"Wanna go up to bed?"

"Can we stay down here?"

"Yeah. Want your headphones?"

"Are you gonna watch a show?"

"No. I'm gonna watch you sleep." I smiled.


"But do you want your headphones?" I usually slept with music playing to block out other noise and to focus on one thing while I was sleeping.

"No. I'll be fine." She played with my hair and I shut my eyes, listening to her heartbeat.

"I'll wake you up bright and early."



"Sounds good." I smiled and tangled our legs together. "I love you. I'm so glad you're back."

"I love you too."

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now